從大約一兩個禮拜前開始, 我莫名的開始容易肚子餓, 當然也就吃的比較多。但是我的體重卻比以前輕, 輕到只有68~69公斤左右... 我一度懷疑是我的體重器有問題, 因為前一陣子量還有71~72公斤。不過家裡兩個體重器都量出一樣的結果... 不太可能剛好兩個壞的一樣吧... 所以最近吃東西就選些熱量高的食物, 連平常不怎麼碰的汽水零食都出現了!!
但是一個禮拜下來好像沒什麼進展, 吃撐了量也才69公斤出頭... 肚子還是一樣一直餓... 難道... 我又開始發育了????? 哈哈
希望不要下禮拜回到台灣變成沒食慾啊... 夜市我來了~~~
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
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週末我們安排了一整天的戶外活動, 早上划獨木舟, 下午騎馬, 頓時整個人感覺陽光了起來 =)
澳洲太陽跟紐西蘭一樣很毒, 所以開始活動前大家紛紛塗上了防曬油。平常不太理會太陽的我也有預感整天曬下來皮膚一定吃不消, 所以也加入防曬一族。
不過不知道是還沒睡醒還是腦袋已經被曬昏, 我當時只是把外套袖子拉到大約手肘附近就開始抹防曬... 如果我就這樣穿著外套開始划船那一切都好(可能會中暑...??), 但是這種天氣加上要下水當然是外套脫了划嘛... 可想而知, T恤袖子不可能遮到手肘的... 所以... 一天下來變這樣...

澳洲太陽跟紐西蘭一樣很毒, 所以開始活動前大家紛紛塗上了防曬油。平常不太理會太陽的我也有預感整天曬下來皮膚一定吃不消, 所以也加入防曬一族。
不過不知道是還沒睡醒還是腦袋已經被曬昏, 我當時只是把外套袖子拉到大約手肘附近就開始抹防曬... 如果我就這樣穿著外套開始划船那一切都好(可能會中暑...??), 但是這種天氣加上要下水當然是外套脫了划嘛... 可想而知, T恤袖子不可能遮到手肘的... 所以... 一天下來變這樣...
- 防曬油是真的有在防曬
- 澳洲太陽真的猛
- 自拍手臂沒有我想像中的簡單...
Saturday, 5 December 2009
iPod nano 5th generation
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I can still remember that my very first iPod was a birthday present from my auntie. It was the first generation iPod nano, which has been extremely popular during the time because of its amazing slimness.
Only thing I found annoying using iPod was that you have to use iTunes to transfer or delete songs, and you were not able to use your iPod as a storage device. I am a very lazy person, I was happy with Windows media player at the time, therefore didnt spend too much time with iTunes. Therefore I have gave up iPod for a while.
Until recently, I have formatted my laptop, seeking a replacement for Windows media player, and iTunes had became my first choice because of its clean user interface. When I get my hands on iTunes and finished tidying up all the MP3 tags, I realised something is still missing...
You are right, iPod!!!
After reading many reviews about the new 5th generation iPod nano and due to upcoming Xmas, this item just become my new toy... (so many excuses...) haha
I am very easily attracted by sleek designs, and iPod is certainly one of them! I wont describe too much details about iPod nano since you can find heaps of nice reviews online. After playing with it for a while, I am quite amazed that Apple can make iPod nano so powerful yet keep the slimness of the body. And now since I am more familiar with iTunes, I can see how iPod and iTunes make a perfect combination!
Only thing I found annoying using iPod was that you have to use iTunes to transfer or delete songs, and you were not able to use your iPod as a storage device. I am a very lazy person, I was happy with Windows media player at the time, therefore didnt spend too much time with iTunes. Therefore I have gave up iPod for a while.
Until recently, I have formatted my laptop, seeking a replacement for Windows media player, and iTunes had became my first choice because of its clean user interface. When I get my hands on iTunes and finished tidying up all the MP3 tags, I realised something is still missing...
After reading many reviews about the new 5th generation iPod nano and due to upcoming Xmas, this item just become my new toy... (so many excuses...) haha
I am very easily attracted by sleek designs, and iPod is certainly one of them! I wont describe too much details about iPod nano since you can find heaps of nice reviews online. After playing with it for a while, I am quite amazed that Apple can make iPod nano so powerful yet keep the slimness of the body. And now since I am more familiar with iTunes, I can see how iPod and iTunes make a perfect combination!
Saturday, 28 November 2009
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我家陽台經過上次沙塵暴的摧殘後轉眼也過了兩個月 今天我終於下定決心要來個大掃除 (這個決心也下的太久了一點...) 今天好死不死又是個悶熱的天 光站在陽台就快窒息... 預報是說30度 我只能說氣象預報真是會安慰人心阿... 不過我的決心並沒有動搖!! 既然開始就把他做到好!!
經過兩個小時的奮戰 地板來回刷了兩次 陽台終於從十年沒打掃的樣子回復成原本的樣貌 桌子也從暗紅色變回白色 ... 看起來舒服多了!!
在清掃的過程我一直很納悶 為什麼陽台沒有水龍頭? 通常都是有的吧? 這樣我就不用提著水桶進進出出 一定可以省下很多時間 也可以洗的更乾淨!!
anyway 大公告成 我要去享受冷氣了~~ 發明冷氣的人萬歲!!
經過兩個小時的奮戰 地板來回刷了兩次 陽台終於從十年沒打掃的樣子回復成原本的樣貌 桌子也從暗紅色變回白色 ... 看起來舒服多了!!
在清掃的過程我一直很納悶 為什麼陽台沒有水龍頭? 通常都是有的吧? 這樣我就不用提著水桶進進出出 一定可以省下很多時間 也可以洗的更乾淨!!
anyway 大公告成 我要去享受冷氣了~~ 發明冷氣的人萬歲!!
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Happy birthday to me!!
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Time flies, I just celebrated birthday 26 times in my life, and it was my 8th birthday at Sydney... And I lived just over a quarter of a century!! WOW!
Looking back through out the year, it seem very short, but many many things happened. No matter those things were sad or happy, they made my life substantial, and I will precious these wonderful memories. Thank you all for making my life colorful!!
Now, a new year for me begins, I shall enjoy every moment of my life and be thankful to those who has been supporting me =)
Ok birthday wishes
............... done! (of course not saying them out hahaha)
By the way, Sydney celebrated my birthday with 43 degree heat wave, how passionate!!!
Looking back through out the year, it seem very short, but many many things happened. No matter those things were sad or happy, they made my life substantial, and I will precious these wonderful memories. Thank you all for making my life colorful!!
Now, a new year for me begins, I shall enjoy every moment of my life and be thankful to those who has been supporting me =)
Ok birthday wishes
............... done! (of course not saying them out hahaha)
By the way, Sydney celebrated my birthday with 43 degree heat wave, how passionate!!!
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Tsmania Trip
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十一月都過一大半了都還沒有任何新文章 我想可能是我有點懶了... 哈哈
上個星期請了兩天假跟一些朋友跑去Tasmania玩, 這是我第一次去Tasmania所以還蠻興奮的說。
不過從飛機上俯視Tasmania的第一感想是: 這裡有人住嗎?
果然, 下了飛機只看到機場用一隻手就能數完的飛機, 感覺好像可以隨機長高興停哪就停哪...
就這樣開始了與世隔離三天兩夜的行程。說與世隔離一點都不誇張, 因為只要一出了Tasmania的主要城市hobart手機就會完全沒收訊... 可能Vodafone和Optus都懶的來這邊搶市場吧...
因為人煙稀少加上農場和羊群特多 基本上Tasmania跟紐西蘭感覺非常相似 所以我想紐西蘭來的朋友們可能不會對Tasmania有太大興趣...
這邊觀賞企鵝比較不一樣的是你有機會跟野生企鵝零距離接觸, 不過當然是讓它來碰你而不是你去碰他。 看完企鵝還可以仰頭欣賞滿天的星星, 這是在城市裡不可能看到的景象喔!
再來就是生蠔 新鮮肥美也就算了, 價格還便宜到讓人想要一打接一打的吃!! 這三天我們四個人(同行有一個不敢吃...) 一共吃了六打生蠔, 我只能用爽一個字來形容啊!! 不要問我吃這麼多幹嘛 哈哈。
最後回到Sydney的時候真的有種回到文明世界的感覺, 光是下飛機走出機場就花了十幾分鐘... 不過總的來說假如你厭倦了都市人擠人的生活想放鬆一下, Tasmania絕對是一個好選擇喔!
上個星期請了兩天假跟一些朋友跑去Tasmania玩, 這是我第一次去Tasmania所以還蠻興奮的說。
不過從飛機上俯視Tasmania的第一感想是: 這裡有人住嗎?
果然, 下了飛機只看到機場用一隻手就能數完的飛機, 感覺好像可以隨機長高興停哪就停哪...
就這樣開始了與世隔離三天兩夜的行程。說與世隔離一點都不誇張, 因為只要一出了Tasmania的主要城市hobart手機就會完全沒收訊... 可能Vodafone和Optus都懶的來這邊搶市場吧...
因為人煙稀少加上農場和羊群特多 基本上Tasmania跟紐西蘭感覺非常相似 所以我想紐西蘭來的朋友們可能不會對Tasmania有太大興趣...
這邊觀賞企鵝比較不一樣的是你有機會跟野生企鵝零距離接觸, 不過當然是讓它來碰你而不是你去碰他。 看完企鵝還可以仰頭欣賞滿天的星星, 這是在城市裡不可能看到的景象喔!
再來就是生蠔 新鮮肥美也就算了, 價格還便宜到讓人想要一打接一打的吃!! 這三天我們四個人(同行有一個不敢吃...) 一共吃了六打生蠔, 我只能用爽一個字來形容啊!! 不要問我吃這麼多幹嘛 哈哈。
最後回到Sydney的時候真的有種回到文明世界的感覺, 光是下飛機走出機場就花了十幾分鐘... 不過總的來說假如你厭倦了都市人擠人的生活想放鬆一下, Tasmania絕對是一個好選擇喔!
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Posted by

槍, 應該是大部分男人從小的夢想, 每當看著電影裡主角用神一般的槍法將壞人擊退, 多少都會幻想如果自己是主角的話會有多帥氣!
上禮拜, 一位友人拿到一張射擊學園開放日的傳單, 一夥人當下二話不說就決定了這次的行程=P
在澳洲, 槍不是隨隨便便就能取得, 需要經過一連串的程序加上考取執照才有可能合法的持有一把槍。因此開放日只需駕照就能體驗真槍實彈確實吸引了不少人潮. 開始前當然要簽下切結書還有接受安全宣導, 然後就是來真的囉!!

場地有不少槍枝可以選擇, 從最小的.22口徑到獵槍都有。每個彈匣依子彈種類大約在$10~$15澳幣左右。大部分子彈分成以下兩種:
Factory - 第一批出廠的全新子彈, 擁有較強的火力跟準確度
Reloaded - 用回收彈殼重新填裝火藥跟彈頭, 火力較factory稍弱
我選擇體驗10發 9厘米(F), 10發 .38口徑(R) 和 6發.357左輪(F)
射擊場隔音真的作的很好, 從外面基本上聽不到聲音, 因此當我第一步踏進射擊場的時候老實說真的有嚇到, 就算我帶著工地耳罩也檔不住那槍聲的震撼力。所以在打第一個靶的時候有點手軟, 瞄不太準...
(第二靶 .38 R 有進步喔!!)
體驗過真槍以後就覺得以前玩的空氣槍就像小孩子射橡皮筋一樣, 一點勁兒都沒有... 電玩就更不用說了
Website: Shooting Academy
Address: 16-18 Byrne street, Auburn, NSW
上禮拜, 一位友人拿到一張射擊學園開放日的傳單, 一夥人當下二話不說就決定了這次的行程=P
在澳洲, 槍不是隨隨便便就能取得, 需要經過一連串的程序加上考取執照才有可能合法的持有一把槍。因此開放日只需駕照就能體驗真槍實彈確實吸引了不少人潮. 開始前當然要簽下切結書還有接受安全宣導, 然後就是來真的囉!!
場地有不少槍枝可以選擇, 從最小的.22口徑到獵槍都有。每個彈匣依子彈種類大約在$10~$15澳幣左右。大部分子彈分成以下兩種:
Factory - 第一批出廠的全新子彈, 擁有較強的火力跟準確度
Reloaded - 用回收彈殼重新填裝火藥跟彈頭, 火力較factory稍弱
我選擇體驗10發 9厘米(F), 10發 .38口徑(R) 和 6發.357左輪(F)
射擊場隔音真的作的很好, 從外面基本上聽不到聲音, 因此當我第一步踏進射擊場的時候老實說真的有嚇到, 就算我帶著工地耳罩也檔不住那槍聲的震撼力。所以在打第一個靶的時候有點手軟, 瞄不太準...
最後左輪手槍真的讓我印象深刻, 那手槍的重量, 強勁的後作力加上射擊時噴出的火花讓人整個熱血沸騰!! 射擊完後一次退出所有彈殼也是有種莫名的興奮。現在終於了解左輪手槍的魅力所在了!!
體驗過真槍以後就覺得以前玩的空氣槍就像小孩子射橡皮筋一樣, 一點勁兒都沒有... 電玩就更不用說了
Website: Shooting Academy
Address: 16-18 Byrne street, Auburn, NSW
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Unlucky day update
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Last month I was fined for traveling with invalid train ticket and I mailed OSR to ask for leniency (see here for details).
Few weeks ago, I received a letter from OSR saying they have considered my case this time and decided to let me go!! WooHoo!! And of course they have reminded me that everyone should try their best to make sure they have valid ticket at all time.
Haha I will make sure this won't happen again!!
Few weeks ago, I received a letter from OSR saying they have considered my case this time and decided to let me go!! WooHoo!! And of course they have reminded me that everyone should try their best to make sure they have valid ticket at all time.
Haha I will make sure this won't happen again!!
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
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Its been a while since I last updated the good food collection... Its not like I haven't been to any good restaurant recently, but simply because I'm lazy to type up a post =P
So, today I would like to introduce a very nice Japanese fusion restaurant (again!!) - Toko.
Toko is located on Crown street at Surry Hills, the suburb where many gorgeous restaurants chose to open at. Unlike most of the fusion restaurant I've been to, Toko has plenty of seats available with a romantic interior design, making Toko a perfect venue for as large as birthday party or as small as couple dating.
Food is certainly the most important element to judge whether a restaurant is good, people visit restaurant to eat after all! Like other fusion restaurants, the portion of each dish served at Toko is not large but are nicly presented. Although the dishes are small, but the taste of the fresh and quality foods can definitely satisfy your picky taste bud!
A few must try dishes I would recommend are duck breast, salmon skin roll and most importantly the prok belly, which uses the most tender pork I have ever tried, it pretty much melt in your mouth as soon as you took the bite...
Finally, booking is strongly recommended as the restaurant become very full by 7pm even though it has many seats. =)
Address: 490 Crown Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 9357 6100
Website: www.toko.com.au
So, today I would like to introduce a very nice Japanese fusion restaurant (again!!) - Toko.

Food is certainly the most important element to judge whether a restaurant is good, people visit restaurant to eat after all! Like other fusion restaurants, the portion of each dish served at Toko is not large but are nicly presented. Although the dishes are small, but the taste of the fresh and quality foods can definitely satisfy your picky taste bud!
A few must try dishes I would recommend are duck breast, salmon skin roll and most importantly the prok belly, which uses the most tender pork I have ever tried, it pretty much melt in your mouth as soon as you took the bite...
Finally, booking is strongly recommended as the restaurant become very full by 7pm even though it has many seats. =)
Address: 490 Crown Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 9357 6100
Website: www.toko.com.au
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
日劇 - Buzzer beat 零秒出手
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這應該是我開始看日劇以來追最快的一部吧,9月21日在日本完結,9月22日我就看完 哈哈 (謎之聲: 那怎麼現在才寫blog?!...)。會追這麼快當然也是因為有吸引人的題材跟動人心弦的故事囉!

Buzzer Beat,有打籃球的人可能對這個詞不陌生,顧名思義就是在比賽哨聲響起時投出了關鍵的一球,不一定是終場, 不過終場的哨聲通常比較讓人受矚目,也因此有零秒出手這個詞的出現。喜歡打籃球的我當然也被這個題材吸引,不過之前因為台灣也有類似的偶像劇,印象不是很好,所以剛開始對這部日劇也抱有懷疑... 不過看了10分鐘我所有的疑惑就全消失了哈哈! 完全不同等級的阿... 光是片頭MV就讓人熱血沸騰 很有灌籃高手的Fu。
故事敘述著職業籃球選手上矢直輝(山下智久 飾),有著不輸別人的籃球資質,但卻因為缺乏自信而始終無法在場上發揮。個性溫柔體貼的直輝有著交往兩年的啦啦隊隊長女友七海菜月(相武紗季 飾),卻因厭倦和直輝的平淡生活而選擇背叛。而在差不多的時間點 直輝因緣結識了天真浪漫的小提琴畢業生白河莉子(北川景子 飾),進而展開一段溫馨的愛情故事。
這部日劇吸引我的原因不外乎是有著優秀的演員,尤其是北川景子那自然派的演技更是讓我印象深刻(我第一次看她的戲)。不過最重要的應該是故事劇情讓我很有共鳴吧 雖然我沒有主角那麼慘(被劈腿),也沒有那麼美的故事發生,但是就某種程度來說在劇中確實看到不少自己的影子。
最後我一定要說一句... 台灣... 加油,好嗎?

Buzzer Beat,有打籃球的人可能對這個詞不陌生,顧名思義就是在比賽哨聲響起時投出了關鍵的一球,不一定是終場, 不過終場的哨聲通常比較讓人受矚目,也因此有零秒出手這個詞的出現。喜歡打籃球的我當然也被這個題材吸引,不過之前因為台灣也有類似的偶像劇,印象不是很好,所以剛開始對這部日劇也抱有懷疑... 不過看了10分鐘我所有的疑惑就全消失了哈哈! 完全不同等級的阿... 光是片頭MV就讓人熱血沸騰 很有灌籃高手的Fu。
故事敘述著職業籃球選手上矢直輝(山下智久 飾),有著不輸別人的籃球資質,但卻因為缺乏自信而始終無法在場上發揮。個性溫柔體貼的直輝有著交往兩年的啦啦隊隊長女友七海菜月(相武紗季 飾),卻因厭倦和直輝的平淡生活而選擇背叛。而在差不多的時間點 直輝因緣結識了天真浪漫的小提琴畢業生白河莉子(北川景子 飾),進而展開一段溫馨的愛情故事。
這部日劇吸引我的原因不外乎是有著優秀的演員,尤其是北川景子那自然派的演技更是讓我印象深刻(我第一次看她的戲)。不過最重要的應該是故事劇情讓我很有共鳴吧 雖然我沒有主角那麼慘(被劈腿),也沒有那麼美的故事發生,但是就某種程度來說在劇中確實看到不少自己的影子。
最後我一定要說一句... 台灣... 加油,好嗎?
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Dust storm
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When I opened my eyes this morning, I saw my room filled with beautiful orange red light, I thought I was either still dreaming or something happened to my eyes... Then I remembered that the dust storm arrived Sydney today!!!
The dust storm came from inland of NSW as the state has been experiencing severe winds and unseasonably warm temperatures since yesterday. Read more about the storm here.
Lets look at some photos of this amazing scene:
The dust storm happen in Sydney very rarely, and this is one of the worst dust storm I ever seen in my life... feel like I am living on Mars!
And by the way... I just cleaned my HUGE belcony about 2 weeks ago...
The dust storm came from inland of NSW as the state has been experiencing severe winds and unseasonably warm temperatures since yesterday. Read more about the storm here.
Lets look at some photos of this amazing scene:
Photo taken at Circular Quey at 7:30am, noticed something missing in this picture?
Taken from Kirribilli, the bridge is hardly visible, and opera house just toally disappeared from the view...
See more photos at news.com.auThe dust storm happen in Sydney very rarely, and this is one of the worst dust storm I ever seen in my life... feel like I am living on Mars!
And by the way... I just cleaned my HUGE belcony about 2 weeks ago...
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Unlucky day...
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I haven't buy weekly train ticket for months...
I haven't forgot to renew my train ticket for months...
Also I haven't seen bunches of railway polices blocking station exits for months...
Unfortunately, I bought weekly train ticket last week, I forgot to renew my train ticket today, AND I saw bunches of railway polices at station today...
So, as you can imagine... I had a chat with one of the police... and that costs $200... what a start of the day!
Of course I wasnt happy about the fine, so I wrote to Office of State Debt Recovery hoping I can get a leniency for having clean record so far.
Reasons I gave them are:
I am a regular monthly travel pass buyer, so I normally just renew ticket once a month at most, I did not forget to renew the ticket intentionally.
There were no ticket gates at Rhodes station, people can easily get on the train without realising the ticket is invalid until reaching the destination.
Although they sound more like excuses, but I really think if CityRail is serious about preventing people travelling without valid ticket, they should build ticket gate at EVERY station at least within the Sydney metro.
But anyway, rather than putting hope on government, its probably more realistic if you can just double check you have a valid ticket before going on a public transport...
The email had been forwarded to related department, so hopefully I can hear back from them soon... with good news of course haha
Monday, 24 August 2009
日劇 - BOSS
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最近偶像劇好像蠻多是跟警察有關的故事,例如台灣暴紅的痞子英雄,日本的Mr. Brain和這次要介紹的日劇,BOSS。

故事背景是描述日本警視廳為了應付多樣化的凶惡犯罪和低下的檢舉率,設立了『特別罪犯對策室』。室長是由警視廳參事官輔佐 - 野立信次郎(竹野內豐 飾)推薦,受過美國FBI訓練的資深女警大澤繪裡子(天海祐希 飾)擔任,部下則是從各個部門調派,被認為是多餘包袱的『精銳』。說穿了,這個部門完全只是為了應付媒體而成立,局裡對這個部門並沒抱有任何期望。
故事背景是描述日本警視廳為了應付多樣化的凶惡犯罪和低下的檢舉率,設立了『特別罪犯對策室』。室長是由警視廳參事官輔佐 - 野立信次郎(竹野內豐 飾)推薦,受過美國FBI訓練的資深女警大澤繪裡子(天海祐希 飾)擔任,部下則是從各個部門調派,被認為是多餘包袱的『精銳』。說穿了,這個部門完全只是為了應付媒體而成立,局裡對這個部門並沒抱有任何期望。
我還蠻喜歡偵探類的片子,BOSS不但有跟一般偵探片不同的架構,又有美女演員(戶田惠梨香~~ 下圖右上角那位 XD),能讓我不推薦嗎?快去看吧!!
Friday, 7 August 2009
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大約從去年底就開始不時的研究DSLR(數位單眼)還有攝影相關的資訊。看著網路上一張又一張的毒照害的我也跟著中毒越來越深。終於最近我覺得我對DSLR的認知到了可以實際去買一台來玩玩的程度,於是經過了在論壇中無數次的爬文,我心目中的理想機器縮小到Nikon D90和Canon 500D。
最近澳洲Nikon使出大絕 - Cash back promotion 和好禮相送,簡直就是壓倒我理性的最後一根稻草嘛!!! 原本的計畫是年底回台灣前買,然後在機場退稅,或者就回台灣再買,當然後者會便宜不少不過保固就麻煩一些... 而且該死的Nikon在不久前漲了一次價... 但是cash back promotion不僅讓價錢能比退稅後稍稍便宜一些,最重要的是我現在就能玩到!於是昨天收集好資料後趁著late night就殺去shopping center準備敗下去!
然而到了店裡,跟店員哈啦了一陣,價格也談攏了,就當我有點驚訝一切比想像中順利的時候,他查了庫存後跟我說全澳洲只剩三台,但是兩台已經被訂走,還有一台是展示機... X的咧,我明明第一句問的話就是有沒有貨,竟然跟我唬爛... 後來到另一間店談,有貨但是價格談不來所以也就不了了之。
今天,中午出去吃飯回公司路上"順便"去喵了一下之前在網路上找到最便宜的相機店。這家電服務員很熱忱,也有不少現貨,而且他在跟我談的過程他一直讓我拿著機器把玩,讓我熱血度破表!! 就在我們談到最後一個階段我卡都要拿出來的時候,跟我說的最後報價竟然貴上我之前看到的一節!又是X的咧~我跟他談的時候再三的跟他確認我說的價錢,他也一直yes yes yes的回答,最後跟我出這個爛包... 因為他們最近漲價了(當然他們死不承認)... 後來回公司還是不死心的去找另一家的報價希望他能match price,不過其實也沒比他們的新價錢便宜多少...
就在我下班想趕在他關門前再試一次的時候,我稍微冷靜了一下,算算現在我要去跟他談的價錢已經比昨天的貴上一兩百塊澳幣,比我開始的預算更是貴上不少。再想想最近澳幣狂漲回台灣買的價差就更大了... 因此我在門口猶豫了,我並沒有走進去。就在我走到街角紅綠燈的時候竟然在人山人海的路上碰到朋友,這時我的衝動瞬間降到了安全範圍。
後來我們也聊到相機的事,講出來才知道我剛才有多麼的衝動,要不是遇到這位恩人我恐怕就失去理智了... 後來想想這一切的發生好像都是命中註定的,我是一次又一次那麼接近要下手了,但是總是有一股力量阻擋我繼續下去。託這位朋友的福現在我百分之百的確定我不會被這次的促銷迷惑了,這一切都是考驗啊... 哈哈
Saturday, 1 August 2009
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話說搬來這個新家也大半年了,一直以來我就覺得客廳的擺設有點不搭; 客廳前面加上電視櫃就有三個櫃子,高矮不一就算了,連顏色都完全不一樣,怎麼看怎麼不順眼... 雖然偶爾經過家具店的時候都會稍微注意一下有沒有合適的,但是通常都要不是不喜歡就是太貴... 所以一直道現在客廳都是這樣:
上個星期五工作休息的時候隨手到eBay去逛逛,也不知道為什麼突發奇想的想看看eBay上的電視櫃行情如何。結果出乎意料的看到有人在拍賣二手電視櫃,而且基本上就是我心目中的理想款式。重要的是,拍賣當天晚上就要結束了!看看照片並沒有明顯的損壞,只是表面有點退色,但是賣家有特別註明最近才將櫃子重新刷上保護漆,再看看當前標價... $80!? 這麼好的東西才標到$80啊... 我想應該是賣家沒放上新照片的關係吧... 考慮了一下想說不是很多錢就標標看吧,放了$150上限後就繼續工作,反正超過$150就算了,標到算我幸運 =)
結果還真的沒想到我這麼幸運,晚上出去吃個甜點回來就看到一封得標的email... 得標價是$133!但是問題來了... 我要怎麼搬回來啊... =__= 我的小車是絕對放不下了 畢竟賣家說是個2.1m x 0.6m x 0.4的龐然大物啊... 朋友的吉普車剛好不夠長... 後來決定去請了個便宜的搬家公司來幫我搬回來,反正只有一樣東西沒什麼風險就讓練過的來吧,至少他有貨車哈哈
現在最突兀的反而是那台電腦,不過還不致於破壞美觀,所以暫時饒他一命 =P 不過下一個目標就是換台nettop來了,畢竟這台電腦從大學就跟著我,差不多到極限了,等年底回台灣的時候再物色一台適合的囉 =)
Total cost: $133.51 + $50 (搬運)
Total time: 2~3 hours
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Daily Book-Keeping Spreadsheet v0907
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I started to have the habit of recording my daily expenses on a spreadsheet since university, which is like 7 years ago.
Initially the purpose of doing so was to give my parents a figure of living cost as they were my financial supplier. Slowly, it has became my habit, and it comes very handy when you want to know exactly where you spent the money to or when you want to have some budgeting over a period of time.
Through out the past 7 years I have been modifying the spreadsheet to make it easier to use while able to capture data in more detail. Now, I think it is mature enough to be the first version to share with people, so everyone can start building this good habit of bookkeeping. If you use this spreadsheet correctly, it can be as accurate as your bank account statement, and it might come handy when doing tax return.
Download Daily Book-Keeping Spreadsheet v0907
Excel 2003 or earlier version...download here
Excel 2007 or later version... download here (recommended!!)
Quick start guide
Let me have a quick go through of how to start using this spreadsheet, from now on I will refer daily book-keeping spreadsheet as "DBS".
First, you need to give the spreadsheet some initial data to start with. This only needs to be done once every year.
In the "Start" worksheet as shown below, you can fill in some details of your current financial status so that DBS can use these values as a base for calculations.
The total wealth section shows your net wealth position each month (taken out bills payable and includes all investments).
The credit amount (red) in bank summary section keeps track of your credit card expense according to your billing cycle, the calculation depends on the billing cycle end date you entered in start page.
The expense summary section breaks down your expense into 8 categories of your choice (you can rename these categories, but you don't have to use all 8), and gives you weekly/monthly average. Some example category can be food, travel, bills and rent.

Now lets look at the work sheet for month. This is where you keep all your expense details, as you can see from the screen shot below. The expenses are split into 3 major groups : cash (green), credit (blue) and EFPOS (gray), each group is divided further into categories as defined in summary sheet. The expenses recorded under credit group will affect the credit amount displayed in summary page, where the EFPOS expense will directly deduct the amount from your bank 1 account.
Red colored section are non expense transactions, it will affect the bank 1 amount but should not be considered as expense, for example credit card bill payment and withdraw.
If you do the transfer between accounts (bank 1 to bank 2, bank 1 to share account etc), you can use the purple column to record. Currently it only support transfers from primary bank account, you record positive amount when deposit into bank 1, negative when transfer out of bank 1.
I hope the above intro can get you started with DBS, the fastest way to get familiar is to give it a quick play. Just keep in mind that don't overwrite the cells that are filled with formula, if you find certain amount does not match with real data, most of the time you should be able to trace back your records and find out the source of mismatch.
Finally feedback and recommendation are welcome, and please do let me know if you found any bug or have any question =) Thanks!
I started to have the habit of recording my daily expenses on a spreadsheet since university, which is like 7 years ago.
Initially the purpose of doing so was to give my parents a figure of living cost as they were my financial supplier. Slowly, it has became my habit, and it comes very handy when you want to know exactly where you spent the money to or when you want to have some budgeting over a period of time.
Through out the past 7 years I have been modifying the spreadsheet to make it easier to use while able to capture data in more detail. Now, I think it is mature enough to be the first version to share with people, so everyone can start building this good habit of bookkeeping. If you use this spreadsheet correctly, it can be as accurate as your bank account statement, and it might come handy when doing tax return.
Download Daily Book-Keeping Spreadsheet v0907
Excel 2003 or earlier version...download here
Excel 2007 or later version... download here (recommended!!)
Quick start guide
Let me have a quick go through of how to start using this spreadsheet, from now on I will refer daily book-keeping spreadsheet as "DBS".
First, you need to give the spreadsheet some initial data to start with. This only needs to be done once every year.
In the "Start" worksheet as shown below, you can fill in some details of your current financial status so that DBS can use these values as a base for calculations.
Financial Year/Month: Year and month that the financial year starts, eg 2009 July
- Bank name / balance: For up to 2 bank accounts, enter the balance as at the day you start book keeping. Bank 1 should be your primary transaction account. You can also give them names e.g. savings
- Share Trading balance: (optional) enter the amount that you have invested on share
- Managed Fund balance: (optional) enter the amount that you have invested on managed funds.
- Outstanding card bill: The credit card bill outstanding since your last paid bill.
- Monthly card bill end day: Day of month which the credit card bill cycle ends.
The total wealth section shows your net wealth position each month (taken out bills payable and includes all investments).
The credit amount (red) in bank summary section keeps track of your credit card expense according to your billing cycle, the calculation depends on the billing cycle end date you entered in start page.
The expense summary section breaks down your expense into 8 categories of your choice (you can rename these categories, but you don't have to use all 8), and gives you weekly/monthly average. Some example category can be food, travel, bills and rent.
Now lets look at the work sheet for month. This is where you keep all your expense details, as you can see from the screen shot below. The expenses are split into 3 major groups : cash (green), credit (blue) and EFPOS (gray), each group is divided further into categories as defined in summary sheet. The expenses recorded under credit group will affect the credit amount displayed in summary page, where the EFPOS expense will directly deduct the amount from your bank 1 account.
Red colored section are non expense transactions, it will affect the bank 1 amount but should not be considered as expense, for example credit card bill payment and withdraw.
If you do the transfer between accounts (bank 1 to bank 2, bank 1 to share account etc), you can use the purple column to record. Currently it only support transfers from primary bank account, you record positive amount when deposit into bank 1, negative when transfer out of bank 1.
I hope the above intro can get you started with DBS, the fastest way to get familiar is to give it a quick play. Just keep in mind that don't overwrite the cells that are filled with formula, if you find certain amount does not match with real data, most of the time you should be able to trace back your records and find out the source of mismatch.
Finally feedback and recommendation are welcome, and please do let me know if you found any bug or have any question =) Thanks!
Saturday, 4 July 2009
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早在三個月前,也就是四月初左右,幾個好友就約好一起預購門票,而且我們瘋狂的訂了AUD$268的票!!畢竟這是大牌明星的演唱會,排場一定不同一般,坐太遠就浪費了 (藉口一堆...哈)
我們七點左右就抵達位於Olympic Park的會場 - Acer Arena。雖然離開演還有一段時間,但是現場早已人山人海,我是第一次在澳洲看到這麼多華人聚集在一起的說...
隨著開場時間一分一秒的逼近,彷彿全澳洲的華人都聚集到這裡來一樣,人源源不絕的湧進會場。終於,演唱會在8點20分左右正式開始!! 果然大牌明星就是不一樣,整個演唱會氣氛從頭high到尾,周董也不吝嗇的唱了足足兩個半小時,舞蹈 鋼琴 各種樂器樣樣來。表演中參插著各種不同的舞台特效像是燈光甚至小型煙火和火焰都沒少!!
總而言之這是一場令人難忘的演唱會,讓我親眼見證了巨星的風采,就算在身在西方國家,歌迷的熱情也絲毫不減。希望以後能有更多的歌手也能來澳洲巡迴演唱,造福這邊的歌迷 =)
早在三個月前,也就是四月初左右,幾個好友就約好一起預購門票,而且我們瘋狂的訂了AUD$268的票!!畢竟這是大牌明星的演唱會,排場一定不同一般,坐太遠就浪費了 (藉口一堆...哈)
Sunday, 14 June 2009
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It seems like Japanese food suits our taste bud better, as you may have guessed, this is another post for Japanese restaurant.
Wasavie is a Japanese fusion cuisine located at Paddington, it is not an easy place to find as it is in the middle of residential area, you might not be able to find this restaurant unless you live nearby or being refered by others.

The interior of the restaurant is very neat, only around 20 seats available, but unfortuenately no booking allowed, thats why sometimes you can see queue outside the restaurant before its opened.
As mentioned earlier, Wasavie serves Japanese fusion dishes, therefore all the dishes are very nicely presented. In conjunction with unresistable smell (for hot dishes) plus freshness taste make the foods score 100%!! My favorites out of the ones we had are beef tataki and wagyu beef on hot stone!
Chocolate cake with ice cream seems very popular at Wasavie, we were not lucky enough to try it because it was sold out the night before...!!! So we ordered the organic apple pie, which was very tasty too! Now we have an additional reason to revisit this restaurant =)
Phone: 02 9380 8838
Website: http://www.wasavie.com.au/
Wasavie is a Japanese fusion cuisine located at Paddington, it is not an easy place to find as it is in the middle of residential area, you might not be able to find this restaurant unless you live nearby or being refered by others.

The interior of the restaurant is very neat, only around 20 seats available, but unfortuenately no booking allowed, thats why sometimes you can see queue outside the restaurant before its opened.
As mentioned earlier, Wasavie serves Japanese fusion dishes, therefore all the dishes are very nicely presented. In conjunction with unresistable smell (for hot dishes) plus freshness taste make the foods score 100%!! My favorites out of the ones we had are beef tataki and wagyu beef on hot stone!
Chocolate cake with ice cream seems very popular at Wasavie, we were not lucky enough to try it because it was sold out the night before...!!! So we ordered the organic apple pie, which was very tasty too! Now we have an additional reason to revisit this restaurant =)
Phone: 02 9380 8838
Website: http://www.wasavie.com.au/
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Tank - 如果我變成回憶
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收錄於Tank 2009最新專輯 - 第三回合
抒情的旋律 催淚的歌詞 再由剛動完心臟手術的Tank詮釋特別的有感覺 大家絕對不能錯過的好歌
詞:TANK 曲:TANK、Dean(承濬)演唱:TANK
累了 照慣例努力清醒著
心跳在夢中 不聽話的 就停止了
聽著 呼吸像浪潮拍動著
如果我連自己的脈搏 都難掌握
如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
我會恨自己 如此狠心
如果我變成回憶 終於沒那麼幸運
蹣跚牽著你 看晚霞落盡
若有人可以 讓他陪你 我不怪你
快樂 什麼時候會結束呢
可知你是我生命中的 最捨不得
如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
我會恨自己 如此狠心
如果我變成回憶 終於沒那麼幸運
蹣跚牽著你 看晚霞落盡
若有人可以 讓他陪你
如果我變成回憶 最怕我太不爭氣
頑固的賴在空氣 霸佔你心裡 每一寸縫隙
連累依然愛我的你痛苦 承受失去
這樣不公平 請你盡力 把我忘記
p.s. 我覺得MTV應該可以拍的更好說... 有點沒辦法跟歌詞連貫的感覺...
抒情的旋律 催淚的歌詞 再由剛動完心臟手術的Tank詮釋特別的有感覺 大家絕對不能錯過的好歌
詞:TANK 曲:TANK、Dean(承濬)演唱:TANK
累了 照慣例努力清醒著
心跳在夢中 不聽話的 就停止了
聽著 呼吸像浪潮拍動著
如果我連自己的脈搏 都難掌握
如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
我會恨自己 如此狠心
如果我變成回憶 終於沒那麼幸運
蹣跚牽著你 看晚霞落盡
若有人可以 讓他陪你 我不怪你
快樂 什麼時候會結束呢
可知你是我生命中的 最捨不得
如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
我會恨自己 如此狠心
如果我變成回憶 終於沒那麼幸運
蹣跚牽著你 看晚霞落盡
若有人可以 讓他陪你
如果我變成回憶 最怕我太不爭氣
頑固的賴在空氣 霸佔你心裡 每一寸縫隙
連累依然愛我的你痛苦 承受失去
這樣不公平 請你盡力 把我忘記
p.s. 我覺得MTV應該可以拍的更好說... 有點沒辦法跟歌詞連貫的感覺...
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Monday, 8 June 2009
Excel tip - INDIRECT + ADDRESS function
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Recently I came across with two very useful Excel function - INDIRECT and ADDRESS, which I think is worth keeping a note here.
For those who uses Excel as their working tool or for any other use, sometimes they might need to have a dynamic formula that access different cell value depending on the user input. For example, a formula that can grab value from a predefined table given the coordinate (column and row), then in this case function that can dynamically generates cell address would be very useful.
Here are some brief outline of the functions (parameters in square brackets are optional):
Address - Function that returns text representation of a cell address
Address( row, column, [ref_type], [ref_style], [sheet_name] )
Indirect - Function that returns cell value based on the given text address representation.
Indirect( string_reference, [ref_style] )
So, you can combine these 2 functions to achieve the above scenario.
Indirect( Address( cell1, cell2 ) )
Where cell1 and cell2 are user input cells.
For those who uses Excel as their working tool or for any other use, sometimes they might need to have a dynamic formula that access different cell value depending on the user input. For example, a formula that can grab value from a predefined table given the coordinate (column and row), then in this case function that can dynamically generates cell address would be very useful.
Here are some brief outline of the functions (parameters in square brackets are optional):
Address - Function that returns text representation of a cell address
Indirect - Function that returns cell value based on the given text address representation.
So, you can combine these 2 functions to achieve the above scenario.
Where cell1 and cell2 are user input cells.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Tsukasa 司
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Tsukasa is a Japanese restaurant located on Crown street at Darlinghurst, the entrance of the restaurant is not very outstanding, therefore its easy to miss out when they don't have the light turned on.
Tsukasa's specialty is their nigiri sushis. They are very generous with the ingredients for sushi; the size of sashimi on the nigiri is about double the size of the rice underneath, you just cant see the rice until you take it to your plate. The freshness of sashimi combining with high quality sushi rice makes you feel like in heaven, just like those people in Japanese comic or food show =P
Another recommended dish is their special salmon skin roll. Just like the name, it is sushi roll wrapped with salmon skin, which you dont normally find this dish in other Japanese restaurant, and most importantly, it taste nice!
Booking is recommended, and they close on Mondays.
Address: 200 Crown Street, Darlinghurst
Phone: 02 9361 3818
Website: n/a

Booking is recommended, and they close on Mondays.
Address: 200 Crown Street, Darlinghurst
Phone: 02 9361 3818
Website: n/a
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
詐欺獵人 クロサギ
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最近又看了一部蠻不錯的日劇 - 詐欺獵人
這部日劇2006年開播 是蠻舊的日劇了 不過我覺得故事依然很新鮮
這部日劇改編自日本漫畫家黑丸下原武的同名人氣漫畫 故事背景是主角黑崎(山下智久 飾)原本幸福美好的家庭因為父親被白鷺騙走巨額金錢 因而走向絕路 - 將母親和姊姊殺死後自殺 從此倖存的黑崎便化身黑鹭(日文中黑崎與黑鹭同音 而サギ也有詐欺的意思) 捨棄一切 誓言吞下世上所有的白鷺
故事特別的地方是每一集都會出現不同的詐欺手法 而主角也會一一破解這些手法 更進一步反過來騙走這些詐欺師的錢還給受害者
女主角 吉川冰柱(堀北真希 飾) 是法律部的學生 夢想是當上檢察官 和黑崎有完全相反夢想的她與黑崎的相遇讓劇情更有故事性 究竟誰會被誰影響呢?
看完這部日劇讓我覺得詐騙手法真的是千變萬化 可能平常生活很簡單的事都有可能被有心人利用 所以在這呼籲大家平常還是要小心一點 不要因為一時的鬼迷心竅而毀了一生
當然 這部日劇也不是鼓勵大家去詐騙 雖然主角騙的很帥 哈哈
詐欺獵人在2008出過劇場版 但是本人比較不推薦劇場版 因為節奏過於緩慢 (為了要湊兩小時??) 到最後反而會讓人沒有驚奇感
我倒是想看看漫畫的真正結局是怎樣 呵呵
這部日劇2006年開播 是蠻舊的日劇了 不過我覺得故事依然很新鮮
這部日劇改編自日本漫畫家黑丸下原武的同名人氣漫畫 故事背景是主角黑崎(山下智久 飾)原本幸福美好的家庭因為父親被白鷺騙走巨額金錢 因而走向絕路 - 將母親和姊姊殺死後自殺 從此倖存的黑崎便化身黑鹭(日文中黑崎與黑鹭同音 而サギ也有詐欺的意思) 捨棄一切 誓言吞下世上所有的白鷺
故事特別的地方是每一集都會出現不同的詐欺手法 而主角也會一一破解這些手法 更進一步反過來騙走這些詐欺師的錢還給受害者
女主角 吉川冰柱(堀北真希 飾) 是法律部的學生 夢想是當上檢察官 和黑崎有完全相反夢想的她與黑崎的相遇讓劇情更有故事性 究竟誰會被誰影響呢?
看完這部日劇讓我覺得詐騙手法真的是千變萬化 可能平常生活很簡單的事都有可能被有心人利用 所以在這呼籲大家平常還是要小心一點 不要因為一時的鬼迷心竅而毀了一生
當然 這部日劇也不是鼓勵大家去詐騙 雖然主角騙的很帥 哈哈
詐欺獵人在2008出過劇場版 但是本人比較不推薦劇場版 因為節奏過於緩慢 (為了要湊兩小時??) 到最後反而會讓人沒有驚奇感
我倒是想看看漫畫的真正結局是怎樣 呵呵
Sunday, 24 May 2009
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我這個人非常難入睡 些微的干擾都有可能讓我徹夜難眠
最近不知為什麼幾乎每晚都要在床上翻滾很久才能睡著 可恨的是早上太陽還沒升起就會從夢中醒來!! 然後半睡半醒一直到鬧鐘響... 奇怪的是雖然身體感覺疲憊 但是頭腦卻還算清醒...
就這樣持續了大約一個禮拜 (天天喔!!) 昨晚可能身體終於肯休息了 我竟然一覺睡到天亮 不, 是一覺到中午!! 整整睡了十一個小時!! 起床後只有一個字 爽!! 我根本不記得上一次這樣睡是什麼時候了 少說也有十幾年吧...
但是現在要面臨另一個問題... 明天要上班... 現在十一點半了... 但是我精神百倍...!!! 怎麼辦~~~ = =
唉... 去床上滾吧...
最近不知為什麼幾乎每晚都要在床上翻滾很久才能睡著 可恨的是早上太陽還沒升起就會從夢中醒來!! 然後半睡半醒一直到鬧鐘響... 奇怪的是雖然身體感覺疲憊 但是頭腦卻還算清醒...
就這樣持續了大約一個禮拜 (天天喔!!) 昨晚可能身體終於肯休息了 我竟然一覺睡到天亮 不, 是一覺到中午!! 整整睡了十一個小時!! 起床後只有一個字 爽!! 我根本不記得上一次這樣睡是什麼時候了 少說也有十幾年吧...
但是現在要面臨另一個問題... 明天要上班... 現在十一點半了... 但是我精神百倍...!!! 怎麼辦~~~ = =
唉... 去床上滾吧...
Adriano Zumbo
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This post was supposed to be published 1 month ago, but I was lazy to complete the writing until today =P
Anyway, this time our destination is a famous cake shop - Adriano Zumbo
Adriano Zumbo is located on Darling street at Balmain. The shop is famous with their delicious cakes. But due to limited space, you can only "see" dessert size cakes in the shop, larger sized cakes might require pre-order or upon request only.
Adriano Zumbo has recently opened a chocolate cafe few steps away from the cake shop. A cup of coffee with gourmet handmade chocolate and perhaps a slice of cake, what a enjoyable afternoon tea!
Address: 296 Darling Street Balmain
Phone: 02 98107318
Homepage: http://adrianozumbo.com
Anyway, this time our destination is a famous cake shop - Adriano Zumbo
Adriano Zumbo is located on Darling street at Balmain. The shop is famous with their delicious cakes. But due to limited space, you can only "see" dessert size cakes in the shop, larger sized cakes might require pre-order or upon request only.
Address: 296 Darling Street Balmain
Phone: 02 98107318
Homepage: http://adrianozumbo.com
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Master graduate certificate
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Wednesday, 13 May 2009
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今天公司聘請了清潔公司來幫我們消毒清理鍵盤 (蠻新奇的職業呢 哈哈)
當輪到我的鍵盤要被清理的時候 這位亞裔清潔工人忽然跟我聊起天來 起因不外乎是因為看到了熟悉的東方面孔
真是驚訝 難道我的台灣國語這麼嚴重... = =
就這樣 原本印了些文件想在他清理的時候讀一讀 但是想想他整天要清理好幾十台的鍵盤應該會無聊到爆 所以就決定在他邊清理的時候和他說說話
一開始我們稍微聊了一下我的工作內容 然後發現原來他是一位虔誠的基督徒 因為宗教的關係一直以來都沒有參與投票 - 即使每次選舉都需要寫信跟政府說明原因 (澳洲法律規定公民一定要投票 不然罰錢!!)
再來我們聊到了澳洲的生活 我一開始以為這位大叔應該有小孩而且不小了 因為他看起來少說也有四十歲左右 頭髮也班白了 但是沒想到他不但沒小孩 而且是兩年前才結婚的
後來他說了 二十年前他從廣州到澳洲時 身上只帶著僅僅六百塊澳幣 我想他當時頂多也十幾二十來歲 不像其他同年紀的人還在學校唸書 他只能在人生地不熟的世界開始尋求生計 也難怪當他問我結婚了沒 我跟他說結婚很花錢需要先存一些錢時 他只是苦笑著說對阿對阿 ^^"
不過賺錢並不是大叔的優先目標 他現在的清潔工作只是做part time 其餘的時間他主要拿來傳教 對我來說我可能會覺得這樣生活很辛苦 但是他看來很滿足現在的生活 (也說不定他是深藏不露啦 哈哈)
雖然跟大叔只是聊了短短的二 三十分鐘 卻讓我見識到一個不同的人生 追求著不一樣的 簡單的幸福
我只能說我很幸運 到目前人生的路途都還不算艱辛 我想以我的價值觀是沒辦法完全理解他所追求的 但是能確定的是我們要好好抓住屬於自己那簡單的幸福!!
當輪到我的鍵盤要被清理的時候 這位亞裔清潔工人忽然跟我聊起天來 起因不外乎是因為看到了熟悉的東方面孔
"Are you Chinese?"
"說廣東話嗎?" 他用廣東話問著
"不是 我說華語" 還好我能聽的出他說廣東話
"喔~ 你是台灣人?"
"!!! 你怎麼知道?"
真是驚訝 難道我的台灣國語這麼嚴重... = =
就這樣 原本印了些文件想在他清理的時候讀一讀 但是想想他整天要清理好幾十台的鍵盤應該會無聊到爆 所以就決定在他邊清理的時候和他說說話
一開始我們稍微聊了一下我的工作內容 然後發現原來他是一位虔誠的基督徒 因為宗教的關係一直以來都沒有參與投票 - 即使每次選舉都需要寫信跟政府說明原因 (澳洲法律規定公民一定要投票 不然罰錢!!)
再來我們聊到了澳洲的生活 我一開始以為這位大叔應該有小孩而且不小了 因為他看起來少說也有四十歲左右 頭髮也班白了 但是沒想到他不但沒小孩 而且是兩年前才結婚的
後來他說了 二十年前他從廣州到澳洲時 身上只帶著僅僅六百塊澳幣 我想他當時頂多也十幾二十來歲 不像其他同年紀的人還在學校唸書 他只能在人生地不熟的世界開始尋求生計 也難怪當他問我結婚了沒 我跟他說結婚很花錢需要先存一些錢時 他只是苦笑著說對阿對阿 ^^"
不過賺錢並不是大叔的優先目標 他現在的清潔工作只是做part time 其餘的時間他主要拿來傳教 對我來說我可能會覺得這樣生活很辛苦 但是他看來很滿足現在的生活 (也說不定他是深藏不露啦 哈哈)
雖然跟大叔只是聊了短短的二 三十分鐘 卻讓我見識到一個不同的人生 追求著不一樣的 簡單的幸福
我只能說我很幸運 到目前人生的路途都還不算艱辛 我想以我的價值觀是沒辦法完全理解他所追求的 但是能確定的是我們要好好抓住屬於自己那簡單的幸福!!
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Windows 7 Release Candidate
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Windows 7 RC is finally released!! The RC will expire on 1st of June 2010, and will start shutting down your pc every two hours from 1st of March 2010 (meaning we still have about 10 months to use it for free haha)
You can download the RC from here
You can download the RC from here
Sunday, 12 April 2009
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死神的精準度 (死神の精度) 於2008年3月22日在日本上映 是一部由日本人氣小說家伊坂幸太郎的名作《死神的精準度》改編的溫馨奇幻電影

千葉(金城武 飾)一個永遠一出現就下雨的神秘男子,隱藏在傘下不問世事超然的面孔,正在觀察他的案主,在七天觀察期後,即將決定他/她的生死。他的職業是-死神...
這是一部溫馨有趣的奇幻電影 描述著千葉在人間執行的三個死神任務 三個看似個別的故事 背後卻有著深深的牽絆
金城武在戲裡扮演著一位喜愛音樂 酷酷的 但卻有點少根筋的死神 每當他接到任務時就會依任務內容改變外形並接近跟觀察目標七天的時間 進而決定是否要執行 也就是帶走目標生命
因為分成了三段故事 劇情裡的人物安排比較不複雜 支線劇情也相對的少一些 觀眾的注意力比較不會分散 是一部適合想以放鬆心情觀賞的電影
當然也推薦給想看帥哥的人啦 哈哈...

千葉(金城武 飾)一個永遠一出現就下雨的神秘男子,隱藏在傘下不問世事超然的面孔,正在觀察他的案主,在七天觀察期後,即將決定他/她的生死。他的職業是-死神...
這是一部溫馨有趣的奇幻電影 描述著千葉在人間執行的三個死神任務 三個看似個別的故事 背後卻有著深深的牽絆
金城武在戲裡扮演著一位喜愛音樂 酷酷的 但卻有點少根筋的死神 每當他接到任務時就會依任務內容改變外形並接近跟觀察目標七天的時間 進而決定是否要執行 也就是帶走目標生命
因為分成了三段故事 劇情裡的人物安排比較不複雜 支線劇情也相對的少一些 觀眾的注意力比較不會分散 是一部適合想以放鬆心情觀賞的電影
當然也推薦給想看帥哥的人啦 哈哈...
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Gundam 00
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鋼彈00是鋼彈系列的第12部作品 本作分為兩季各25話於2007年10月開始撥放 2009年3月結尾
這次的故事背景是在公元2307年(好久以後阿~~~) 描述著私人武裝組織天上人(Celestial Being)為了根除人類之間的紛爭 以超越人類科技製造出的人形兵器 - 鋼彈 進行全戰爭武力界入...

我並沒有看過所有的鋼彈系列 但是無疑的00是我目前看過最好看的作品
在00的世界裡 人類依靠由軌道升降機連接的巨大太陽能發電衛星取得近乎無限的能源 而在現實世界裡 人類正是朝著這方面努力著 也就是說這個設定不會讓人覺得遙不可及
這次的故事中 鋼彈不再像以往所向無敵 戰鬥大多靠的是精準的戰術 也因為如此 劇情的安排上有很多的驚喜和變化 還能突顯一些故事中的政治立場
我覺得這是非常直得一看的動畫 有內容 當然也不失鋼彈的熱血!! 喜歡鋼彈的朋友們絕對不能錯過!! (我想喜歡鋼彈的人應該也都看完了吧哈哈)
這次的故事背景是在公元2307年(好久以後阿~~~) 描述著私人武裝組織天上人(Celestial Being)為了根除人類之間的紛爭 以超越人類科技製造出的人形兵器 - 鋼彈 進行全戰爭武力界入...

我並沒有看過所有的鋼彈系列 但是無疑的00是我目前看過最好看的作品
在00的世界裡 人類依靠由軌道升降機連接的巨大太陽能發電衛星取得近乎無限的能源 而在現實世界裡 人類正是朝著這方面努力著 也就是說這個設定不會讓人覺得遙不可及
這次的故事中 鋼彈不再像以往所向無敵 戰鬥大多靠的是精準的戰術 也因為如此 劇情的安排上有很多的驚喜和變化 還能突顯一些故事中的政治立場
我覺得這是非常直得一看的動畫 有內容 當然也不失鋼彈的熱血!! 喜歡鋼彈的朋友們絕對不能錯過!! (我想喜歡鋼彈的人應該也都看完了吧哈哈)
Monday, 30 March 2009
新工報到 - 雪梨市熱烈歡迎
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今天是我第一天到新公司報到 等了四個禮拜終於開工囉!!
第一天基本上就是認識環境和新同事 然後讀一些project的文件
新的辦公桌我很滿意 因為是窗戶邊的座位 視野很不錯 雖然沒什麼風景啦 但是能看到天空我就很高興了哈哈
正當我專注的在欣賞天空閱讀project文件時... 雪梨時間下午4點45分整間大樓忽然斷電!! 頓時罵聲四起 大多因為事情做到一半還來不及存檔 還好我只是在讀文件 不然我應該會加入他們的陣容吧
到窗邊一看 不得了!! 不是只有我們大樓停電 隔壁大樓也暗了下來 就連離我們有一段距離的Star City也都不再閃亮... 事實上 當時幾乎整個雪梨市區都停電了 尤其是市區北部(就是我們這邊啦...)
這個資訊時代沒電就代表著沒辦法工作 所以囉 大家都提早回家 我的第一天就這樣特別的結束了
雪梨市阿 這個歡迎也太熱烈了一點吧 噗噗
p.s. 大約兩小時後 (六, 七點) 城市供電回復!!
第一天基本上就是認識環境和新同事 然後讀一些project的文件
新的辦公桌我很滿意 因為是窗戶邊的座位 視野很不錯 雖然沒什麼風景啦 但是能看到天空我就很高興了哈哈
到窗邊一看 不得了!! 不是只有我們大樓停電 隔壁大樓也暗了下來 就連離我們有一段距離的Star City也都不再閃亮... 事實上 當時幾乎整個雪梨市區都停電了 尤其是市區北部(就是我們這邊啦...)
這個資訊時代沒電就代表著沒辦法工作 所以囉 大家都提早回家 我的第一天就這樣特別的結束了
雪梨市阿 這個歡迎也太熱烈了一點吧 噗噗
p.s. 大約兩小時後 (六, 七點) 城市供電回復!!
Sunday, 29 March 2009
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Here comes the good food hunting part 2. This time the venue was an Italian restaurant - Ventuno.
Ventuno is located at Walsh Bay near The Rocks, it has absolutely fantastic view harbor view right next to the restaurant. The restaurant serves tasty pizza and has nice entree platter. One special thing available is the super sized pizza, it is recommended for 4 people.
You can choose any 2 flavors from the menu for this super large pizza, which is pretty reasonable as single flavored pizza between 4 people is a bit... boring... haha
The above picture probably can't indicate how big the pizza is, lets put it aside the normal pizza and entree platter:
Address: 21 Hickson Road, Walsh Bay
Phone: 02 9247-4444
Homepage: http://www.ventuno.com.au
Ventuno is located at Walsh Bay near The Rocks, it has absolutely fantastic view harbor view right next to the restaurant. The restaurant serves tasty pizza and has nice entree platter. One special thing available is the super sized pizza, it is recommended for 4 people.
You can choose any 2 flavors from the menu for this super large pizza, which is pretty reasonable as single flavored pizza between 4 people is a bit... boring... haha
The above picture probably can't indicate how big the pizza is, lets put it aside the normal pizza and entree platter:
Address: 21 Hickson Road, Walsh Bay
Phone: 02 9247-4444
Homepage: http://www.ventuno.com.au
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Congratulations Peter and Cici!!
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With the witness of God, Peter and Cici had became husband and wife on the 21st of March 2009.
It was the first time I attend a wedding ceremony and thanks to Peter I was able to witness the sweetest moment closer than most of the people. It is hard to describe the feeling when seeing one of your best mates has found his other half and decide to hold her hand forever after, happy and touching are just not strong enough to express =)
After the wedding ceremony we (bridesmaid and groomsman) followed the bride and groom to Brisbane botanic garden for wedding photos, then reception dinner at one of the Japanese restaurant at Sunny Bank.

Congratulations Peter and Cici, wish you two all the best forever and ever!!
p.s. The photos of the day are taken care by the professional photographer friend of Peter, I will upload to web album once I get a copy of them =)
It was the first time I attend a wedding ceremony and thanks to Peter I was able to witness the sweetest moment closer than most of the people. It is hard to describe the feeling when seeing one of your best mates has found his other half and decide to hold her hand forever after, happy and touching are just not strong enough to express =)
After the wedding ceremony we (bridesmaid and groomsman) followed the bride and groom to Brisbane botanic garden for wedding photos, then reception dinner at one of the Japanese restaurant at Sunny Bank.
Congratulations Peter and Cici, wish you two all the best forever and ever!!
p.s. The photos of the day are taken care by the professional photographer friend of Peter, I will upload to web album once I get a copy of them =)
Monday, 9 March 2009
Toriciya とりしや
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A small group of us have recently decided to enjoy our life more, therefore, we begin with search for good restaurants =)
The first restaurant being introduced is Toriciya.
Toriciya is a traditional Japanese styled Izakaya (居酒屋), with only 4~5 small tables with few bar seats. Just like the Izakaya in Japan, they sell various kind of sake and beer, over half of the menu was alcohol! Food they serve are mainly fine cuisine, in an other word, very small portion... BUT extremely tasty!!!!!
Because of very limited space and very delicious food, booking is absolutely essential!
Some recommanded dishes: Fish liver, potato salad, fried squid leg (ゲソの唐揚げ) and sake ice cream
Address: 18 Cammeray Road, Cammeray, NSW 2062, Australia
Phone: (02) 9904-2277
Homepage: www.toriciya.com.au
The first restaurant being introduced is Toriciya.
Toriciya is a traditional Japanese styled Izakaya (居酒屋), with only 4~5 small tables with few bar seats. Just like the Izakaya in Japan, they sell various kind of sake and beer, over half of the menu was alcohol! Food they serve are mainly fine cuisine, in an other word, very small portion... BUT extremely tasty!!!!!
Because of very limited space and very delicious food, booking is absolutely essential!
Some recommanded dishes: Fish liver, potato salad, fried squid leg (ゲソの唐揚げ) and sake ice cream
Address: 18 Cammeray Road, Cammeray, NSW 2062, Australia
Phone: (02) 9904-2277
Homepage: www.toriciya.com.au
Thursday, 5 March 2009
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2月26日 從人力公司那邊得到了一個好消息 有人要雇用我了!!! WooHoo
2月27日 決定向前走 把合約簽下
3月02日 向公司遞出辭呈 雖然一度心軟 但是向前走的決心更加強烈
就這樣 3月底我就即將轉向新的戰場
其實本質上來說 新工作跟現在的是差不多的 都是依project需求去開發程式
不同的是現在的工作要等公司接到project我才有可能參與 新的工作是已經有project正在招人
對我來說前者是被動的 有沒有事情作要看公司的sales 後者是project找我 而且還不用被公司抽成 (其實會被人力工司抽啦 但是比例不大) 真是一舉兩得啊!!
但是又要跟一起打拼的同事們說再見 還真有點捨不得耶...
在我遞出辭呈的同一天也有另一個同事決定離職 我們兩個算是之前裁員風暴過後第一波有動作的員工 其實不難發覺 辦公室裡已經有很多人蠢蠢欲動 但是礙於現在不景氣沒敢亂來 這次我們兩個的舉動應該會掀起一些波浪 我看公司可能會開始緊張囉!!
我上一個工作離職也是帶起了一些波動... 希望下一個工作會穩定些 (現在這個時機這樣會不會要求太多了啊? 哈哈)
找到新方向 新年願望也算達成一部分囉 =)
2月27日 決定向前走 把合約簽下
3月02日 向公司遞出辭呈 雖然一度心軟 但是向前走的決心更加強烈
就這樣 3月底我就即將轉向新的戰場
其實本質上來說 新工作跟現在的是差不多的 都是依project需求去開發程式
不同的是現在的工作要等公司接到project我才有可能參與 新的工作是已經有project正在招人
對我來說前者是被動的 有沒有事情作要看公司的sales 後者是project找我 而且還不用被公司抽成 (其實會被人力工司抽啦 但是比例不大) 真是一舉兩得啊!!
但是又要跟一起打拼的同事們說再見 還真有點捨不得耶...
在我遞出辭呈的同一天也有另一個同事決定離職 我們兩個算是之前裁員風暴過後第一波有動作的員工 其實不難發覺 辦公室裡已經有很多人蠢蠢欲動 但是礙於現在不景氣沒敢亂來 這次我們兩個的舉動應該會掀起一些波浪 我看公司可能會開始緊張囉!!
我上一個工作離職也是帶起了一些波動... 希望下一個工作會穩定些 (現在這個時機這樣會不會要求太多了啊? 哈哈)
找到新方向 新年願望也算達成一部分囉 =)
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
WuW - Wear Ur World
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This is just simply cool... Especially the last part where you can dial number ON your hand!!
Its definitely gonna change the way human operates the computer (if it ever get commercialised...), but please, make it looks nice first... XD
Minority report is not just a movie anymore!
Its definitely gonna change the way human operates the computer (if it ever get commercialised...), but please, make it looks nice first... XD
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話說今早準備出門時 依照慣例檢查上班必帶物品:
午餐 - pass (中午肚子餓時吃)
隨身聽 - pass (火車上抵擋噪音用)
DS - pass (火車上防無聊用)
雨傘 - pass (昨天下大雨沒帶...)
鑰匙 - pass (沒帶就回不了家...)
車票... 車票........ 車票.............. (驚!!) 車票咧!!!???
翻遍平常有可能放車票的地方 (也只有皮夾跟手提袋而已啦...) 就是找不到! 明明昨天才買的weekly 昨天也有用過 難道是幻覺? 就在這時我忽然有種不好的預感 當下我立刻飛奔到陽台 看著我昨天才換下洗好晾好的襯衫 再將畫面zomm in到襯衫口袋那一坨坨的車票屍體... 囧...
沒辦法我只好趕快出門希望能趕在火車到之前買好票... 還好今天火車誤點 不然就真的嘔死...
我上一次把車票放進洗衣機應該是大一的事了 不過沒有這次慘 把只用了一天的weekly洗掉... 預計下一次發生是.... 不要再發生了啦!!
午餐 - pass (中午肚子餓時吃)
隨身聽 - pass (火車上抵擋噪音用)
DS - pass (火車上防無聊用)
雨傘 - pass (昨天下大雨沒帶...)
鑰匙 - pass (沒帶就回不了家...)
車票... 車票........ 車票.............. (驚!!) 車票咧!!!???
翻遍平常有可能放車票的地方 (也只有皮夾跟手提袋而已啦...) 就是找不到! 明明昨天才買的weekly 昨天也有用過 難道是幻覺? 就在這時我忽然有種不好的預感 當下我立刻飛奔到陽台 看著我昨天才換下洗好晾好的襯衫 再將畫面zomm in到襯衫口袋那一坨坨的車票屍體... 囧...
沒辦法我只好趕快出門希望能趕在火車到之前買好票... 還好今天火車誤點 不然就真的嘔死...
我上一次把車票放進洗衣機應該是大一的事了 不過沒有這次慘 把只用了一天的weekly洗掉... 預計下一次發生是.... 不要再發生了啦!!
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Weather Crisis
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Last weekend, 7th and 8th of Feb, the temperature at Victoria (Melbourne) reached as high as 46℃, which was a record high in the past 150 years (I guess that was the time human started recording the temperature?)... Sydney was about 40℃ and I can already feel my body burning when I was walking under the sun, I can't imagine how it was like in 46℃...
The heat wave caused a lot of bush fire, far more serious than ever, having more than 170 death (and still counting...). I guess this is the first serious nature disaster of 2009... even though the Australian fire fighters are very experienced with the bush fire, but this time the damage was beyond their expectation...
After the heat over the weekend, the temperature dropped down to 20℃ on Monday!!! That is pretty much like going from mid summer to winter in just one night!!
It is a tough year for human not just economically, but also environmentally. We really need to be more active on protecting our environment, or else more innocent people will be affected...
Lets pray for the victims form the bush fires...
The heat wave caused a lot of bush fire, far more serious than ever, having more than 170 death (and still counting...). I guess this is the first serious nature disaster of 2009... even though the Australian fire fighters are very experienced with the bush fire, but this time the damage was beyond their expectation...
After the heat over the weekend, the temperature dropped down to 20℃ on Monday!!! That is pretty much like going from mid summer to winter in just one night!!
It is a tough year for human not just economically, but also environmentally. We really need to be more active on protecting our environment, or else more innocent people will be affected...
Lets pray for the victims form the bush fires...
Sunday, 25 January 2009
葉問 Ip Man
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相信葉問這個名子對功夫迷們並不陌生 因為他是將詠春拳發揚光大的一代宗師 同時也是李小龍的師父 (我不是武痴 我是看了這部片子才知道葉問這個人 哈哈)
葉問由甄子丹飾演 我其實一直知道他的存在 但是這是我第一次看他主演的電影 也讓我對他留下極深刻的印象
我覺得甄子丹有種特別的氣質 能突顯葉問這個角色的特質 如果是其他人可能就沒有辦法完全的詮釋這個角色 再來就是他那順暢有力的武打動作 讓人看了亂熱血的 也成功的加深觀眾對詠春拳的好奇和崇拜
這部聖誕過年期間最有人氣之一的電影 還沒看過的人趕快去看吧 熱血~~!!!
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Windows 7 Beta 簡單說
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Windows 7 Beta 算是最近最熱門的話題之一吧 畢竟Windows 7是備受期待的作業系統 (可能大家都受夠vista了吧哈哈) 直到目前為止大家的回應大多是正面的 因此在好奇心的驅使下我也幫我的筆電裝了windows 7來嚐嚐鮮
我是從xp直接跳到windows 7 所以基本上整個系統對我來說都是新的 我就以xp使用者的角度簡單的介紹一些印象比較深刻的特色吧 如果想知道比較詳細的介紹 網路上有很多測試報告 問問Google大神吧
Asus A8Js
CPU: C2D T5600 1.83GHz
RAM: 2G ddr2
Graphic card: Nvidia GeForce Go 7700
安裝過程非常簡單 只有開始跟結束的時候會需要輸入資料或選擇 中間安裝的過程就去看看電視吧
假如你不想失去之前的windows 最好把windows 7安裝在不同的磁碟分割(安裝開始的時候可以從Advance選項裡確認) 這樣windows就能自動幫你設定雙重開機

開機時間不會比xp慢太多 可能是因為還沒灌太多軟體吧 =)
我覺得W7最大的進步就是整個介面變的非常整齊乾淨 複雜的文字明顯減少 取而代之的是簡單易懂的圖示 全新的Superbar不僅沿用了vista的預覽功能 還加入了實用的Aero Peek - 當滑鼠停在預覽視窗上的時候桌面其他程式都會變透明 這樣就能快速的看到每個視窗又能及時切換過去(msn開幾十個的時候應該很好用哈哈)
另一個實用的功能就是Aero Snap 當你把視窗拉到桌面左邊或右邊的時候 視窗會自動調整成並排的大小 在需要比較兩個文件的時候非常好用 而拉到桌面頂端就是最大化 拉離邊邊的時候又會調回之前的大小

還有一個有趣但我覺得實用度沒有之前兩個功能高的Aero shake 拉住視窗晃兩下 其他的程式都會縮到最小 這應該是你只想留住一個視窗在桌面的時候用吧(廢話!!毆飛~~) 我是覺得按住滑鼠搖這個動作有點卡卡的啦
喔vista開始導入的Aero flip當然也有留下來囉 不過有了Aero peek以後這個功能應該就比較少機會用到了吧^^

再來是桌面的Gadget 不像vista被限制只能擺在一個框框裡 而是想放哪裡就放哪裡囉!! 每個Gadget都可以調透明度 但是為什麼不能讓他像MacOSX一樣隱藏起來需要再用熱鍵叫出來呢? (完全透明就沒意義了因為要用還要想一下之前放到哪裡去)
右下角有個小小的顯示桌面按鈕 滑鼠放上去的話所有視窗會變透明 按一下就全部縮小 我覺得放在左下角window按鈕旁邊會比較順手一點說 畢竟很少會把滑鼠拉到右下角去...
以往的My documents進化成Libraries 可以非常容易的管理你電腦裡的文件 即使你把文件放在不同的地方 唯一要做的就是按一下Include in Library按鈕把你想讓Libraries管理的資料夾包含到目錄下 這樣你的Library資料庫就完成了 小小的疑問... 如果重灌的話就要全部重新include嗎...? 不要啊~~~ 希望正式版有解決方案

新設計過的控制台(不知道是不是跟vista類似)分類非常清楚 就算我是第一次用也很快就能找到想要的東西 反而把全部選項列出來後我就愣住了

漂亮的開始功能表和工作列都可以自定顏色喔 水啦~~我就是喜歡這種水晶般的色彩

Windows 7 還有很多很多很多......新的東西(我累了 不想寫了~~~) 萬年不變的小畫家 小算盤 跟notepad等等也終於都改頭換面 整體基本上跟xp可以說是完全不同的 (跟vista相近) 剛開始使用起來當然會不太習慣 但是我相信不會花太多時間就能上手
令人驚訝的是W7的流暢度竟然不輸xp 開機後記憶體使用率也穩定的維持在30%上下 讓我一開始擔心電腦跑不順的疑慮一掃而空 Driver的話基本上跟vista通用 不然用相容模式也大部分可以解決
總的來說這個Beta版還算蠻完整的 可能會有一些軟體相容性或使用上的問題(eg 中文顯示) 但是我相信隨著正市版發行日接近的同時 這些問題希望都能獲得解決 當然 Beta版看到的一切也不一定都會跟正式版一樣 現在就期待微軟能早一日推出正式版還有希望價錢不要是天價啊~~
我是從xp直接跳到windows 7 所以基本上整個系統對我來說都是新的 我就以xp使用者的角度簡單的介紹一些印象比較深刻的特色吧 如果想知道比較詳細的介紹 網路上有很多測試報告 問問Google大神吧
Asus A8Js
CPU: C2D T5600 1.83GHz
RAM: 2G ddr2
Graphic card: Nvidia GeForce Go 7700
安裝過程非常簡單 只有開始跟結束的時候會需要輸入資料或選擇 中間安裝的過程就去看看電視吧
假如你不想失去之前的windows 最好把windows 7安裝在不同的磁碟分割(安裝開始的時候可以從Advance選項裡確認) 這樣windows就能自動幫你設定雙重開機

開機時間不會比xp慢太多 可能是因為還沒灌太多軟體吧 =)
我覺得W7最大的進步就是整個介面變的非常整齊乾淨 複雜的文字明顯減少 取而代之的是簡單易懂的圖示 全新的Superbar不僅沿用了vista的預覽功能 還加入了實用的Aero Peek - 當滑鼠停在預覽視窗上的時候桌面其他程式都會變透明 這樣就能快速的看到每個視窗又能及時切換過去(msn開幾十個的時候應該很好用哈哈)
另一個實用的功能就是Aero Snap 當你把視窗拉到桌面左邊或右邊的時候 視窗會自動調整成並排的大小 在需要比較兩個文件的時候非常好用 而拉到桌面頂端就是最大化 拉離邊邊的時候又會調回之前的大小

還有一個有趣但我覺得實用度沒有之前兩個功能高的Aero shake 拉住視窗晃兩下 其他的程式都會縮到最小 這應該是你只想留住一個視窗在桌面的時候用吧(廢話!!毆飛~~) 我是覺得按住滑鼠搖這個動作有點卡卡的啦
喔vista開始導入的Aero flip當然也有留下來囉 不過有了Aero peek以後這個功能應該就比較少機會用到了吧^^

再來是桌面的Gadget 不像vista被限制只能擺在一個框框裡 而是想放哪裡就放哪裡囉!! 每個Gadget都可以調透明度 但是為什麼不能讓他像MacOSX一樣隱藏起來需要再用熱鍵叫出來呢? (完全透明就沒意義了因為要用還要想一下之前放到哪裡去)
右下角有個小小的顯示桌面按鈕 滑鼠放上去的話所有視窗會變透明 按一下就全部縮小 我覺得放在左下角window按鈕旁邊會比較順手一點說 畢竟很少會把滑鼠拉到右下角去...
以往的My documents進化成Libraries 可以非常容易的管理你電腦裡的文件 即使你把文件放在不同的地方 唯一要做的就是按一下Include in Library按鈕把你想讓Libraries管理的資料夾包含到目錄下 這樣你的Library資料庫就完成了 小小的疑問... 如果重灌的話就要全部重新include嗎...? 不要啊~~~ 希望正式版有解決方案

新設計過的控制台(不知道是不是跟vista類似)分類非常清楚 就算我是第一次用也很快就能找到想要的東西 反而把全部選項列出來後我就愣住了

漂亮的開始功能表和工作列都可以自定顏色喔 水啦~~我就是喜歡這種水晶般的色彩

Windows 7 還有很多很多很多......新的東西(我累了 不想寫了~~~) 萬年不變的小畫家 小算盤 跟notepad等等也終於都改頭換面 整體基本上跟xp可以說是完全不同的 (跟vista相近) 剛開始使用起來當然會不太習慣 但是我相信不會花太多時間就能上手
令人驚訝的是W7的流暢度竟然不輸xp 開機後記憶體使用率也穩定的維持在30%上下 讓我一開始擔心電腦跑不順的疑慮一掃而空 Driver的話基本上跟vista通用 不然用相容模式也大部分可以解決
總的來說這個Beta版還算蠻完整的 可能會有一些軟體相容性或使用上的問題(eg 中文顯示) 但是我相信隨著正市版發行日接近的同時 這些問題希望都能獲得解決 當然 Beta版看到的一切也不一定都會跟正式版一樣 現在就期待微軟能早一日推出正式版還有希望價錢不要是天價啊~~
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Adding custom script to Blogger
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One of the great thing about Blogger is the flexibility of customise your blog through gadget, meaning you can change the look and feel or even functionality of your blog with just a few clicks!
But what if you cant find a satisfying gadget or you want to include your own script? Don't worry, the "HTML/Java Script" gadget allows you to add customised script to your blog, and its really simple (assume you have the script ready with you =P)
Lets use Google Analytics as an example here since we need to add a piece of script to the website to enable communication with GA.
Firstly you will need to access the layout editor and add the "HTML/Java Script" gadget

Simply place your script in the content of this gadget, save it, then here you go!

Congratulations, you have now added your own script to the blog!
But what if you cant find a satisfying gadget or you want to include your own script? Don't worry, the "HTML/Java Script" gadget allows you to add customised script to your blog, and its really simple (assume you have the script ready with you =P)
Lets use Google Analytics as an example here since we need to add a piece of script to the website to enable communication with GA.
Firstly you will need to access the layout editor and add the "HTML/Java Script" gadget
Simply place your script in the content of this gadget, save it, then here you go!
Congratulations, you have now added your own script to the blog!
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