Sunday, 11 January 2009

Adding custom script to Blogger

One of the great thing about Blogger is the flexibility of customise your blog through gadget, meaning you can change the look and feel or even functionality of your blog with just a few clicks!

But what if you cant find a satisfying gadget or you want to include your own script? Don't worry, the "HTML/Java Script" gadget allows you to add customised script to your blog, and its really simple (assume you have the script ready with you =P)
Lets use Google Analytics as an example here since we need to add a piece of script to the website to enable communication with GA.

Firstly you will need to access the layout editor and add the "HTML/Java Script" gadget

Simply place your script in the content of this gadget, save it, then here you go!

Congratulations, you have now added your own script to the blog!

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