Saturday, 21 March 2009

Congratulations Peter and Cici!!

With the witness of God, Peter and Cici had became husband and wife on the 21st of March 2009.

It was the first time I attend a wedding ceremony and thanks to Peter I was able to witness the sweetest moment closer than most of the people. It is hard to describe the feeling when seeing one of your best mates has found his other half and decide to hold her hand forever after, happy and touching are just not strong enough to express =)

After the wedding ceremony we (bridesmaid and groomsman) followed the bride and groom to Brisbane botanic garden for wedding photos, then reception dinner at one of the Japanese restaurant at Sunny Bank.

Congratulations Peter and Cici, wish you two all the best forever and ever!!

p.s. The photos of the day are taken care by the professional photographer friend of Peter, I will upload to web album once I get a copy of them =)

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