Monday, 30 March 2009

新工報到 - 雪梨市熱烈歡迎

今天是我第一天到新公司報到 等了四個禮拜終於開工囉!!

第一天基本上就是認識環境和新同事 然後讀一些project的文件
新的辦公桌我很滿意 因為是窗戶邊的座位 視野很不錯 雖然沒什麼風景啦 但是能看到天空我就很高興了哈哈

正當我專注的在欣賞天空閱讀project文件時... 雪梨時間下午4點45分整間大樓忽然斷電!! 頓時罵聲四起 大多因為事情做到一半還來不及存檔 還好我只是在讀文件 不然我應該會加入他們的陣容吧

到窗邊一看 不得了!! 不是只有我們大樓停電 隔壁大樓也暗了下來 就連離我們有一段距離的Star City也都不再閃亮... 事實上 當時幾乎整個雪梨市區都停電了 尤其是市區北部(就是我們這邊啦...)
這個資訊時代沒電就代表著沒辦法工作 所以囉 大家都提早回家 我的第一天就這樣特別的結束了

雪梨市阿 這個歡迎也太熱烈了一點吧 噗噗

p.s. 大約兩小時後 (六, 七點) 城市供電回復!!

Sunday, 29 March 2009


Here comes the good food hunting part 2. This time the venue was an Italian restaurant - Ventuno.

Ventuno is located at Walsh Bay near The Rocks, it has absolutely fantastic view harbor view right next to the restaurant. The restaurant serves tasty pizza and has nice entree platter. One special thing available is the super sized pizza, it is recommended for 4 people.
super sized pizza!!

You can choose any 2 flavors from the menu for this super large pizza, which is pretty reasonable as single flavored pizza between 4 people is a bit... boring... haha

The above picture probably can't indicate how big the pizza is, lets put it aside the normal pizza and entree platter:
Front to end: entree platter, normal pizza, super sized pizza

Address: 21 Hickson Road, Walsh Bay
Phone: 02 9247-4444

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Congratulations Peter and Cici!!

With the witness of God, Peter and Cici had became husband and wife on the 21st of March 2009.

It was the first time I attend a wedding ceremony and thanks to Peter I was able to witness the sweetest moment closer than most of the people. It is hard to describe the feeling when seeing one of your best mates has found his other half and decide to hold her hand forever after, happy and touching are just not strong enough to express =)

After the wedding ceremony we (bridesmaid and groomsman) followed the bride and groom to Brisbane botanic garden for wedding photos, then reception dinner at one of the Japanese restaurant at Sunny Bank.

Congratulations Peter and Cici, wish you two all the best forever and ever!!

p.s. The photos of the day are taken care by the professional photographer friend of Peter, I will upload to web album once I get a copy of them =)

Monday, 9 March 2009

Toriciya とりしや

A small group of us have recently decided to enjoy our life more, therefore, we begin with search for good restaurants =)

The first restaurant being introduced is Toriciya.
Toriciya is a traditional Japanese styled Izakaya (居酒屋), with only 4~5 small tables with few bar seats. Just like the Izakaya in Japan, they sell various kind of sake and beer, over half of the menu was alcohol! Food they serve are mainly fine cuisine, in an other word, very small portion... BUT extremely tasty!!!!!
(Forgot to take photos this time, so I borrowed few pictures from Toriciya website...)

Because of very limited space and very delicious food, booking is absolutely essential!

Some recommanded dishes: Fish liver, potato salad, fried squid leg (ゲソの唐揚げ) and sake ice cream

Address: 18 Cammeray Road, Cammeray, NSW 2062, Australia
Phone: (02) 9904-2277

Thursday, 5 March 2009


2月26日 從人力公司那邊得到了一個好消息 有人要雇用我了!!! WooHoo
2月27日 決定向前走 把合約簽下
3月02日 向公司遞出辭呈 雖然一度心軟 但是向前走的決心更加強烈

就這樣 3月底我就即將轉向新的戰場
其實本質上來說 新工作跟現在的是差不多的 都是依project需求去開發程式
不同的是現在的工作要等公司接到project我才有可能參與 新的工作是已經有project正在招人
對我來說前者是被動的 有沒有事情作要看公司的sales 後者是project找我 而且還不用被公司抽成 (其實會被人力工司抽啦 但是比例不大) 真是一舉兩得啊!!
但是又要跟一起打拼的同事們說再見 還真有點捨不得耶...

在我遞出辭呈的同一天也有另一個同事決定離職 我們兩個算是之前裁員風暴過後第一波有動作的員工 其實不難發覺 辦公室裡已經有很多人蠢蠢欲動 但是礙於現在不景氣沒敢亂來 這次我們兩個的舉動應該會掀起一些波浪 我看公司可能會開始緊張囉!!

我上一個工作離職也是帶起了一些波動... 希望下一個工作會穩定些 (現在這個時機這樣會不會要求太多了啊? 哈哈)

找到新方向 新年願望也算達成一部分囉 =)