Sunday, 25 January 2009

葉問 Ip Man

葉問是於2008年底上映的功夫片 由歷史真人故事改編
相信葉問這個名子對功夫迷們並不陌生 因為他是將詠春拳發揚光大的一代宗師 同時也是李小龍的師父 (我不是武痴 我是看了這部片子才知道葉問這個人 哈哈)




葉問由甄子丹飾演 我其實一直知道他的存在 但是這是我第一次看他主演的電影 也讓我對他留下極深刻的印象
我覺得甄子丹有種特別的氣質 能突顯葉問這個角色的特質 如果是其他人可能就沒有辦法完全的詮釋這個角色 再來就是他那順暢有力的武打動作 讓人看了亂熱血的 也成功的加深觀眾對詠春拳的好奇和崇拜

這部聖誕過年期間最有人氣之一的電影 還沒看過的人趕快去看吧 熱血~~!!!

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Windows 7 Beta 簡單說

Windows 7 Beta 算是最近最熱門的話題之一吧 畢竟Windows 7是備受期待的作業系統 (可能大家都受夠vista了吧哈哈) 直到目前為止大家的回應大多是正面的 因此在好奇心的驅使下我也幫我的筆電裝了windows 7來嚐嚐鮮
Windows 7 登場!! 中間那條魚不知道甚麼意思... 是一種鬥魚 叫做Betta fish 懂意思了嗎? (Beta版啦)

我是從xp直接跳到windows 7 所以基本上整個系統對我來說都是新的 我就以xp使用者的角度簡單的介紹一些印象比較深刻的特色吧 如果想知道比較詳細的介紹 網路上有很多測試報告 問問Google大神吧

Asus A8Js
CPU: C2D T5600 1.83GHz
RAM: 2G ddr2
Graphic card: Nvidia GeForce Go 7700

安裝過程非常簡單 只有開始跟結束的時候會需要輸入資料或選擇 中間安裝的過程就去看看電視吧
假如你不想失去之前的windows 最好把windows 7安裝在不同的磁碟分割(安裝開始的時候可以從Advance選項裡確認) 這樣windows就能自動幫你設定雙重開機

開機時間不會比xp慢太多 可能是因為還沒灌太多軟體吧 =)
我覺得W7最大的進步就是整個介面變的非常整齊乾淨 複雜的文字明顯減少 取而代之的是簡單易懂的圖示 全新的Superbar不僅沿用了vista的預覽功能 還加入了實用的Aero Peek - 當滑鼠停在預覽視窗上的時候桌面其他程式都會變透明 這樣就能快速的看到每個視窗又能及時切換過去(msn開幾十個的時候應該很好用哈哈)
Superbar有點MacOSX Dock的影子 但功能不太一樣

另一個實用的功能就是Aero Snap 當你把視窗拉到桌面左邊或右邊的時候 視窗會自動調整成並排的大小 在需要比較兩個文件的時候非常好用 而拉到桌面頂端就是最大化 拉離邊邊的時候又會調回之前的大小

還有一個有趣但我覺得實用度沒有之前兩個功能高的Aero shake 拉住視窗晃兩下 其他的程式都會縮到最小 這應該是你只想留住一個視窗在桌面的時候用吧(廢話!!毆飛~~) 我是覺得按住滑鼠搖這個動作有點卡卡的啦

喔vista開始導入的Aero flip當然也有留下來囉 不過有了Aero peek以後這個功能應該就比較少機會用到了吧^^

再來是桌面的Gadget 不像vista被限制只能擺在一個框框裡 而是想放哪裡就放哪裡囉!! 每個Gadget都可以調透明度 但是為什麼不能讓他像MacOSX一樣隱藏起來需要再用熱鍵叫出來呢? (完全透明就沒意義了因為要用還要想一下之前放到哪裡去)

右下角有個小小的顯示桌面按鈕 滑鼠放上去的話所有視窗會變透明 按一下就全部縮小 我覺得放在左下角window按鈕旁邊會比較順手一點說 畢竟很少會把滑鼠拉到右下角去...

以往的My documents進化成Libraries 可以非常容易的管理你電腦裡的文件 即使你把文件放在不同的地方 唯一要做的就是按一下Include in Library按鈕把你想讓Libraries管理的資料夾包含到目錄下 這樣你的Library資料庫就完成了 小小的疑問... 如果重灌的話就要全部重新include嗎...? 不要啊~~~ 希望正式版有解決方案

新設計過的控制台(不知道是不是跟vista類似)分類非常清楚 就算我是第一次用也很快就能找到想要的東西 反而把全部選項列出來後我就愣住了

漂亮的開始功能表和工作列都可以自定顏色喔 水啦~~我就是喜歡這種水晶般的色彩

Windows 7 還有很多很多很多......新的東西(我累了 不想寫了~~~) 萬年不變的小畫家 小算盤 跟notepad等等也終於都改頭換面 整體基本上跟xp可以說是完全不同的 (跟vista相近) 剛開始使用起來當然會不太習慣 但是我相信不會花太多時間就能上手
令人驚訝的是W7的流暢度竟然不輸xp 開機後記憶體使用率也穩定的維持在30%上下 讓我一開始擔心電腦跑不順的疑慮一掃而空 Driver的話基本上跟vista通用 不然用相容模式也大部分可以解決

總的來說這個Beta版還算蠻完整的 可能會有一些軟體相容性或使用上的問題(eg 中文顯示) 但是我相信隨著正市版發行日接近的同時 這些問題希望都能獲得解決 當然 Beta版看到的一切也不一定都會跟正式版一樣 現在就期待微軟能早一日推出正式版還有希望價錢不要是天價啊~~

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Adding custom script to Blogger

One of the great thing about Blogger is the flexibility of customise your blog through gadget, meaning you can change the look and feel or even functionality of your blog with just a few clicks!

But what if you cant find a satisfying gadget or you want to include your own script? Don't worry, the "HTML/Java Script" gadget allows you to add customised script to your blog, and its really simple (assume you have the script ready with you =P)
Lets use Google Analytics as an example here since we need to add a piece of script to the website to enable communication with GA.

Firstly you will need to access the layout editor and add the "HTML/Java Script" gadget

Simply place your script in the content of this gadget, save it, then here you go!

Congratulations, you have now added your own script to the blog!

Friday, 9 January 2009

Google Analytics

When you start writing blog, you may start wondering how many people actually came read your blogs each day, or even wondering where the readers are from. (I think I am a bit slow... as I only begin to curious almost 1 year after I start writing blog lol)

Some of the blog host such as Wordpress integrated basic statistic tool for the author to view, which I think is very useful and should be good enough for most of the bloggers. Unfortunately Blogger does'nt provide such feature (yet), so if you want some statistic for your blog, you will have to find an alternative way. Lucky enough, Google has its own stats tool called Google Analytics (I will use GA as abbreviation from now), and maybe this is the reason why theres no integrated stats tool for Blogger, because GA gives you the flexibility to monitor multiple websites at once.

Above is the main page of GA, as you can see it list out the summary of all the websites you are monitoring. You can also create multiple analytics accounts to monitor websites of different category for easier management (through "Add website profile" link on the bottom left).

Note the status for the example site has a warning sign, this is because GA has not detected the website. In order for GA to communicate with your website, you will need to add the following script to your root page (replace the xxx with your GA code):
<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("xx-xxxxxxx-x");
} catch(err) {}

When you click into the report of a website, you can see various summaries in the dashboard including the location of the visitors, the content they visited and even how they get to your website!!! Menu on the left hand side gives you a more detailed break down of those data, very handy for web administrators.

Because this is also a product from Google, you can use your Google account to apply/login and its FREE!! But at the moment Picasa web album doesnt support GA, which is a pitty since I am sure people would like to know the flow on their web album as much as on their blog. Hopefully Google has already scheduled the upgrade in the near future.

Overall I think GA is a pretty good tool to manage the statistics of your websites as it provides detailed report from different perspective. The down side of GA is that the interface is not so intuitive, sometimes it takes a while for me to find something I need, but maybe its not true for more professional users =P

How to add GA script to your Blogger...

Thursday, 1 January 2009


2009就這樣來了... 一年就這樣過了
時間真的過的有夠快 這次跨年雖然有去看煙火 但是也沒感覺特別high... 哈哈

回顧去年一整年 我想最值得高興的應該是我碩士畢業了吧 =) 盼了三年終於到了這一天

新年要有新希望 來許願吧

祝每個人新年快樂 心想事成