Last night when I was on the way home from friend's house warming party at Maroubra, I drove pass Cleveland street where I got a speeding ticket few months ago.
Dont panic, I am the kind of person that can learn from mistake (most of the time I guess =P), I was driving exactly 50km/h at the time, although I felt like the car was just "climbing" on the road, I still managed to hold my feet away from accelerator.
When I FINALLY reach the speed camera, the car behind me, for some reason, changed lane, and OVERTOOK me!!! Then guess what? The camera flashed!! EXACTLY what I did last time! Then I couldnt stop laughing, hahaha.
At the red light, I stopped behind that car, and took a photo of the number plate, just in case I receive the ticket again in few weeks time.
hahahaha, I can imagine the scene, must be one hell of a surprise to him~ good one~!