08/08/08我在Perpetual的工作告一段落了,我用我累積的加班假請了4天假。不過到了星期一下午公司打來,說有一個project緊急需要人補缺,希望我能馬上去幫忙。這個project是在一個叫Eastern creek的鳥不生蛋的鬼地方 幾乎快到Blue mountain!!沒辦法有工作當然還是要做... 所以只能取消兩天假期去工作了。Eastern Creek沒有任何大眾交通工具經過所以一定要開車...所以我跟公司要了一輛車來開,省的浪費我車子的公里數哈哈。還有外加要求補貼油費,因為油實在是太貴了!!不過目前還在跟上層商量中... 最主要是地點實在太不方便 附近找個餐廳都要開車出去 還有野生動物園在附近!!!
week5 (上禮拜) 我選的兩個科目都有midsession exam要考 之前真的緊張到爆掉 因為有蠻多東西要念 而且最後一個學期不想搞砸 雖然這樣說但是還是很沒心情念... 現在考完了整個心情放鬆不少 而且知道最怕的那科過了 爽!!!
昨天早上去打球 一開始因為車停太遠想去移近一點 結果在跑回車上的時候 我的手機從我外套口袋裡跳樓了!!用了沒半年的新手機就這樣多了一大堆刮傷...當下當然是心痛...但是後來想想就算了...還能用就好了 多了一些刮傷並不會造成任何的不便 所以傷心一下就算了 沒必要影響一天的好心情 =)(可能也是因為手機比較沒那麼貴重吧哈哈)
晚上終於去看了最近最夯的Batman The dark knight!! 很驚訝的是這部片已經上映一段時間還是幾乎滿場。就如同大部分人說的 這是一部非常好看的電影 長達兩個半小時但卻幾乎沒冷場 演員的演技更是讓人身如其境 尤其是Joker!! 還沒看過的朋友們(應該不多吧 =P) 絕對推薦這部!!
11月回台灣的機票定好囉!!假也請好囉!!自從工作以後第一次回台灣,也是第一次請這麼長的假(三個禮拜),到時碩士也畢業了 爽爽爽爽爽!!!
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Speeding ticket part 2
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Last night when I was on the way home from friend's house warming party at Maroubra, I drove pass Cleveland street where I got a speeding ticket few months ago.
Dont panic, I am the kind of person that can learn from mistake (most of the time I guess =P), I was driving exactly 50km/h at the time, although I felt like the car was just "climbing" on the road, I still managed to hold my feet away from accelerator.
When I FINALLY reach the speed camera, the car behind me, for some reason, changed lane, and OVERTOOK me!!! Then guess what? The camera flashed!! EXACTLY what I did last time! Then I couldnt stop laughing, hahaha.
At the red light, I stopped behind that car, and took a photo of the number plate, just in case I receive the ticket again in few weeks time.
Dont panic, I am the kind of person that can learn from mistake (most of the time I guess =P), I was driving exactly 50km/h at the time, although I felt like the car was just "climbing" on the road, I still managed to hold my feet away from accelerator.
When I FINALLY reach the speed camera, the car behind me, for some reason, changed lane, and OVERTOOK me!!! Then guess what? The camera flashed!! EXACTLY what I did last time! Then I couldnt stop laughing, hahaha.
At the red light, I stopped behind that car, and took a photo of the number plate, just in case I receive the ticket again in few weeks time.
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Mid year dinner
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08-08-08 was such a special day, its fathers day for Asian, its Beijing Olympic opening day, and finally its also our company's mid year dinner!
Some of my Chinese colleague decided not to attend mid year dinner because they want to stay home and watch open ceremony. I chose to attend because I thought I might still have the chance to watch the ceremony if the dinner finishes early, plus I might be as lucky as last time to win the prize draw!! But the reality is: we got our entry at 8pm, main at 9:30pm, dessert at 10:30pm... and I was not lucky enough to get any prize this time... and by the time I get home it was almost 12, the open ceremony performance finished long time ago...
Anyway the food was nice (will be better if they can fill a little more food on a such big plate) and I get to catch up with colleagues that I havent see for long time (and some never seen before!).
Best sentence of the night: "Whats so special about Olympic opening ceremony?"... owned!
Some of my Chinese colleague decided not to attend mid year dinner because they want to stay home and watch open ceremony. I chose to attend because I thought I might still have the chance to watch the ceremony if the dinner finishes early, plus I might be as lucky as last time to win the prize draw!! But the reality is: we got our entry at 8pm, main at 9:30pm, dessert at 10:30pm... and I was not lucky enough to get any prize this time... and by the time I get home it was almost 12, the open ceremony performance finished long time ago...
Anyway the food was nice (will be better if they can fill a little more food on a such big plate) and I get to catch up with colleagues that I havent see for long time (and some never seen before!).
Best sentence of the night: "Whats so special about Olympic opening ceremony?"... owned!
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