Friday, 7 March 2008

Ted? Ted Tsao?

Chapter 1
In mid March there is a NSW corporate game event, its a sports competition between companies. Few months ago when the event organiser asked us to register the interest, noob like me thought it would be fun and enjoyable to involve in these games, so I registered all the ones that I am interested in:
Basketball, golf, karting, table tennis, tennis, and ten pin bowling
Few weeks later, the organiser list out a draft list of names against each sports, and I finally realised that this event is not that attractive to most of the people... =.=

Chapter 2
Last night our company held a social dinner at Genghis Khan Mongolian BBQ at King street wharf. It had been more than 3 months since last time I saw some of my colleagues in other projects, and of course there were some new faces that I havent seen before. During the dinner I was introducing myself to this new colleague, and heres the conversation:
"Hi, havent met u before, Im Ted"
"Ted? Ted Tsao?"
I was shocked, I was thinking if I knew this person before but I forgot...
"YEAH, how do you know...????"
"Coz I saw your name so many times on the coporate game name list, I was thinking 'wow this guy is so active!'..."
My face was like =_=|||...
1 thing I am happy is that this time I didnt need to repeat my name so many times and even spell it out before people can get my name right XD

I am sure there are more people in the office saw that name list... Maybe before this corporate game event finish, I will experience the above conversation again LOL

Chapter 3
My company end up joining 2 group sports: dragon boating and soccer, which I am not so interested in... I was going to sign up for tennis but no one feel like to join with me ToT...

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