Sunday, 28 December 2008

Desk top DIY

My desk top always looks messy, no matter how hard I try to keep it tidy. Reason behind this is because most of the item on my desk are pretty bulky... laptop, LCD and speaker already took up over 50% of the space.
The major problem I found on my desk top is that the space behind my laptop is pretty much wasted. You might ask why don't I put my LCD behind the laptop, its because the laptop will block half of the screen, so I have no choice but put it side by side.
To overcome this issue, I have to lift up my LCD somehow, and this gave me a further idea, why don't I just make my desktop double decker? =P
So, I went to Ikea, I went to furniture stores, but I could'nt find any suitable item... Another Idea came up... yes you guessed it, DIY!! Bunnings Warehouse is my next stop!!
Da da! This is the final solution to my desk top renovation!! Sorry I didnt take any photos for the processes, but basically I just had some measurements done, and pick a suitable wood from the warehouse, get the staff to cut it into the size I wanted, then finally assemble them together at home.
Much neater now is'nt it? WAHAHA!!
Its my first time doing a full end to end furniture DIY, so some of the finishing are not quite good (probably not obvious from the photo lol), but sure it was fun and its unique =)

Overall cost: apprx AUD$23
Time: apprx 2 hours (would be faster if I have electric driller... =.=)

Friday, 26 December 2008



暮水街的三月十一號,是藤井樹最新的作品,裡面描述著『網路寫手』阿尼為了尋找寫作靈感從高雄搬到台北幕水街的一段故事(感覺很像是在寫他自己的故事說...)。 故事中有幽默有感動,有不少地方讓我不由自主的想笑,也有一些讓我看完會稍微思考一下其中含意的片段。

因為他們都覺得 當初的選擇是對的。

看完這本小說後會有種酸酸甜甜的感覺 不像一些悲傷的小說看完會讓你心情沈重 我覺得暮水街的三月十一號是一本非常適合週末在家悠閒悠閒慢慢品嚐的一本小說,希望你也會喜歡。

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Fuel price

最近油價掉的兇 我回台灣前還是每公升AU$1.2左右 但是回來竟然已經掉到每公升不到一塊錢
因此前幾天加油是我有車以來第一次看到公升數跳的比價錢快!!當下心理有種說不出的感動 哈哈 這樣就對了嘛!
在這個經濟極度不景氣的時候 原油降價算是唯一讓人稍微安慰一點的事情吧...

Sunday, 14 December 2008


昨天Wollongong一日遊的行程中原本沒有排進南天寺這一站 但是因為有幾個朋友沒去過所以臨時改變了行程 那既然來到了南天寺大家在離開前就許願抽個籤 我抽到的是:

心中有事世間小 A mind full of worries lives in a narrow world
心中無事一床寬 A mind free of worries sleeps on a broader bed
心中有是應放下 A worryful mind should let things go
心中無事應提起 A free mind should lift things up

這段話完完全全符合我現在需要的 雖然說要做到這樣並不容易 但是我還是應該要努力去達成!!

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Oakley Sunglasses

10 days ago I decided to sell my Oakley sunglasses on eBay.

It was the first sunglasses I bought for myself during first year of uni (long long time ago!!). But due to my bad eye sight in combination of laziness, the frequency of me wearing this sunglasses is getting less and less... This year, I only wore it when I went ski, which was only 3 days...
So, instead of having it sitting in my room covered with dusts, might as well just sell it!
This is my second time selling item on eBay (last time was selling tickets to 血狼湖 performance few years ago), I have to say eBay is such an amazing place to sell your item. My initial target is to sell it for around $50~$60, so I listed the item for 10 days, with initial price $39.99. I was a bit worried that no one will want to buy my sunglasses since it is a very old model, but then check out the bid history:
Result was totally out of my expectation, but of course in the good way =P
Something I noticed:
  • branded item doesnt depreciate as much
  • branded item is easier to sell / attract buyers
  • you will never know if anyone is interested in your item until you start selling it
  • selling online is handy and fun
Lastly... a memorial photo of the sunglasses =)

Saturday, 8 November 2008


最近搬家加上考試忙的我焦頭爛額 禮拜五終於考完試 房子也忙的差不多了 總算有時間來update一下囉 =)

這學期考完試也就代表著我的碩士生涯即將告一段落 (當然要等成績出來啦哈哈) 不知道是因為最近比較多事情要處理還是因為只是剛考完試 我竟然沒有什麼讀完碩士的真實感 
過去三年那種為了assignment和exam煩惱的壓力感就要成為回憶了 感覺又高興又擔心 高興很容易理解 但是為什麼會擔心呢? 因為我從一開始工作的時候就開始念這個碩士了 所以一直以來都是上班加念書 如今碩士結束了 就好像把原本平衡的天坪拿掉一些法碼一樣... 會變成怎樣我也不知道 不過我現在只想讓自己小放一假 之後再好好考慮要拿什麼東西補回天坪上吧 =)

Sunday, 12 October 2008


去年底美國房貸風波讓全球股市像雲霄飛車般的大幅度滑落 澳洲當然也免不了受到波及 在那之後幾個月雖然看起來整體算是穩住腳步了 不過總是有種不安的感覺
最近雷曼兄弟宣布破產 全世界又陷入恐慌 反彈更勝去年!! 尤其過去這個禮拜 股市已經從雲霄飛車升級到自由落體了!! 每天看著股票開(在澳洲紅是跌) 心也跟著 >< 再加上澳幣在同時間也像是洩洪般的掉下來...(為什麼發生在我要回台灣的時候阿~~~泣) 還有國家(Iceland)因此瀕臨破產 沒錯 是國家耶!! 頓時有種天要塌了的感覺 =.=

其實如果不去注意這些新聞的話生活根本感覺不出有什麼不一樣啦 不過時事還是多知道點的好 誰知道哪天這些事會影響到自己的生活呢 (這次就多少有影響到了啦 ><)

Monday, 6 October 2008

Foggy Sydney tower

Last time when I was walking on the street I saw the Sydney tower partially covered by the fog (or cloud?) and I think its pretty, so I took this picture. Unfortunately I dont have enough skill to replicate 100% of what I saw... but I still like the overall feeling of this photo =)

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Crimson pathway

今天心情不是很好 早上的大雨更是讓我悶到谷底

晚上學校不知道為什麼在main walk點上了暗紅色的燈 感覺有點詭異 有點哀傷 跟我的心情倒是有幾分相似

怪怪 最近好像跟很多東西都容易有共鳴 不太像平常的我咧!!

Monday, 22 September 2008


我對台灣偶像劇一直都沒很大的興趣 之前看過的很多都是讓我覺得浪費時間 不是劇本差就是演技爛(個人感覺) 一直到最近這部"命"劇在台灣吵的人聲鼎沸 因此在好奇心的作祟下我打算再給台灣一次機會!

果然人氣旺不是沒理由的 這部偶像劇有著很棒的編劇 感人但不做作 幽默但不白痴 在加上演員們傳神的演技 讓觀眾非常容易融入到劇情中。
故事的大綱是男主角紀存希(阮經天 飾)在一艘豪華度假遊輪上陰錯陽差的讓女主角陳欣怡(陳喬恩 飾) 懷孕了!! 夠扯吧? 不過這也是讓我有興趣看下去的理由之一 因為不像其他看了一百零八遍的老梗劇情 這次看看導演怎麼把一夜情變成浪漫的故事

劇情就不洩漏太多 來說說感想吧
在看這部戲的時候 我心理出現過最多次的OS應該就是 "我絕對不會這樣對我老婆!!" 可能因為女主角有孕在身 讓我覺得就算是無心的小錯也是不能容許的!! 不過說真的要百分百的面面俱到十個月可能不是那麼容易的事吧...
男主角的正牌女友Anna(白歆惠 飾)是一名芭蕾舞者 她的夢想是成為亞洲第一的白天鵝 為了夢想她放了男主角無數次鴿子 我在想 有夢想的人是不是因該放她自由會好一點呢? 還是一起努力也是一種選擇呢? 我想不管如何總是會有一方需要在背後支持另一半吧 不管是哪種形式
每部偶像劇總是會有幾位配角或臨時演員 雖然中間可能會扮演一陣子重要的角色 但通常最後的結局還是屬於男女主角的 就跟人生一樣 你可能在某個或某些人的故事裡只是個小小的配角 但是你永遠是自己故事裡的主角 希望大家都能有個好的故事 找到屬於自己命中注定的男女主角!

總而言之 我給這部偶像劇8.5分 Enjoy!!

Sunday, 21 September 2008


前幾天煮菜時發現的 而且是把菜倒到鍋子裡的前一秒發現的... 差點吃了它...

Tuesday, 16 September 2008


擁有部落格和個人網頁的網友們多多少少會有想要分享的音樂 但是並不是所有的部落格都有提供私人網路空間的服務 更不用說要分享音樂了 (Blogger就是其中一個!)
當我正煩惱要怎樣把音樂分享在我的部落格的時候 我找到了這個非常實用的網站 Muzicons

Muzicons提供免費的音樂分享工具當然也包括音樂上傳空間 簡單的首頁加上簡潔的使用介面是我喜歡這個網站的地方 現在就讓我來簡單的介紹一下用法吧!

這就是Muzicons的首頁 很明顯的我們只要完成網頁上大大的四個步驟大致上就完成了! 
  1. 選一個笑臉 (右手邊可以看到預覽)
  2. 上傳音樂 (最大20mb)
  3. 選一個喜歡的介面
  4. 選一個顏色
完成以上四個步驟後可以在右手邊預覽你的成品 如果不喜歡可以再修改

注意: copy到部落格的時候要確定你copy在html模式下 不然很有可能那一大串鬼才看的懂的文字就直接秀在你的網頁上喔! 拿我上一篇文章來示範:

大家使用愉快!! =)

Monday, 15 September 2008


會呼吸的痛收錄在梁靜茹的 崇拜 專輯中, 於2007年11月發行
雖然出了將近一年 但是不管我怎麼聽就是聽不膩 每次放到這首歌的時候 不管我當時在忙什麼 注意力總是會被拉過去
通常我覺得好聽的歌 旋律佔了很大一部分的因素 但是會呼吸的痛是少數讓我對歌詞比旋律更有感覺的歌 可能也因為這樣讓我想要一遍又一遍的聽吧...

作詞:姚若龍 作曲:宇恆 編曲:黃中岳

在東京鐵塔 第一次眺望
看燈火模仿 墜落的星光
我終於到達 但卻更悲傷
一個人完成 我們的夢想

你總說 時間還很多 你可以等我
以前我不懂得 未必明天 就有以後

*想念是會呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落
 哼你愛的歌會痛 看你的信會痛 連沈默也痛

#遺憾是會呼吸的痛 它流在血液中來回滾動
 後悔不貼心會痛 恨不懂你會痛 想見不能見最痛

沒看你臉上 張揚過哀傷
那是種多麼 寂寞的倔強
你拆了城牆 讓我去流浪
在原地等我 把自己捆綁

你沒說 你也會軟弱 需要倚賴我
我就裝不曉得 自由移動 自我地過

Repeat * #

我發誓不再說謊了 多愛你就會抱你多緊的
我的微笑都假了 靈魂像飄浮著 你在就好了

我發誓不讓你等候 陪你做想做的無論什麼
我越來越像貝殼 怕心被人觸碰 你回來那就好了


Thursday, 11 September 2008

Picasa Name Tag

Recently Picasa web album has added a new feature called name tag. It is similar to the name tagging function on Facebook where you can highlight people's face in the photo and name them (it doesnt has to be face actually)

To enable this new functionality, you have to go to the settings and turn the name tags function on. You can also chose to hide the name tags from public

For the first time use, Picasa will automatically scan through all the existing photos and detect all possible faces in each photo. It is not 100% accurate, but in most cases it works quite well if people are clear in the photos, and this definitely saves you a lot of time to tag people one by one.

After the initial scan completed, you can go into your album and start naming the tags!

If the face is detected successfully you will find a white square on the photo where you can type in the name of the person. If you have a gmail account, it will try to find the name you typed from your gmail contact list. You can always add new name tag by clicking the "add" button on the left hand side.

After tagging your photos, visitors to your web album will see the list of people in your album
They can click on the person's name and see all the photos tagged against this person, very handy for people who dont care about photos without them. This function works in both Gallary level and Album level.

If you are the owner of the album, you will be able to see a new "people" tab where it lists out all the name tags in your album, and some tools are provided for you to manage the tags.
One very handy tool that Picasa provides is when you click the "find more" link on the above screen, you will be able to do a mass tag!!
It will list out ALL the unnamed tags in all album (mainly from the first time auto face detection), and you can select the photos you want to tag against the selected person! Amazingly it will find all the faces that it think belongs to this name tag and list them in the front!! And its quite accurate! (I think you need to tag some photos against the name first so that it will have higher chance of matching correct person)
This saves you so much time from going through every single photo in your album but unfortunately I only found out about this after I done over 2/3 of the photos in my album...

Alright thats all for the brief intro of this new name tag feature for Picasa, I spent whole day today tagging my photos and my wrist sores... better have some rest now lol.

Sunday, 31 August 2008

近況 - 八月份


08/08/08我在Perpetual的工作告一段落了,我用我累積的加班假請了4天假。不過到了星期一下午公司打來,說有一個project緊急需要人補缺,希望我能馬上去幫忙。這個project是在一個叫Eastern creek的鳥不生蛋的鬼地方 幾乎快到Blue mountain!!沒辦法有工作當然還是要做... 所以只能取消兩天假期去工作了。Eastern Creek沒有任何大眾交通工具經過所以一定要開車...所以我跟公司要了一輛車來開,省的浪費我車子的公里數哈哈。還有外加要求補貼油費,因為油實在是太貴了!!不過目前還在跟上層商量中... 最主要是地點實在太不方便 附近找個餐廳都要開車出去 還有野生動物園在附近!!!

week5 (上禮拜) 我選的兩個科目都有midsession exam要考 之前真的緊張到爆掉 因為有蠻多東西要念 而且最後一個學期不想搞砸 雖然這樣說但是還是很沒心情念... 現在考完了整個心情放鬆不少 而且知道最怕的那科過了 爽!!!

昨天早上去打球 一開始因為車停太遠想去移近一點 結果在跑回車上的時候 我的手機從我外套口袋裡跳樓了!!用了沒半年的新手機就這樣多了一大堆刮傷...當下當然是心痛...但是後來想想就算了...還能用就好了 多了一些刮傷並不會造成任何的不便 所以傷心一下就算了 沒必要影響一天的好心情 =)(可能也是因為手機比較沒那麼貴重吧哈哈)
晚上終於去看了最近最夯的Batman The dark knight!! 很驚訝的是這部片已經上映一段時間還是幾乎滿場。就如同大部分人說的 這是一部非常好看的電影 長達兩個半小時但卻幾乎沒冷場 演員的演技更是讓人身如其境 尤其是Joker!! 還沒看過的朋友們(應該不多吧 =P) 絕對推薦這部!!

11月回台灣的機票定好囉!!假也請好囉!!自從工作以後第一次回台灣,也是第一次請這麼長的假(三個禮拜),到時碩士也畢業了 爽爽爽爽爽!!!

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Speeding ticket part 2

Last night when I was on the way home from friend's house warming party at Maroubra, I drove pass Cleveland street where I got a speeding ticket few months ago.

Dont panic, I am the kind of person that can learn from mistake (most of the time I guess =P), I was driving exactly 50km/h at the time, although I felt like the car was just "climbing" on the road, I still managed to hold my feet away from accelerator.

When I FINALLY reach the speed camera, the car behind me, for some reason, changed lane, and OVERTOOK me!!! Then guess what? The camera flashed!! EXACTLY what I did last time! Then I couldnt stop laughing, hahaha.

At the red light, I stopped behind that car, and took a photo of the number plate, just in case I receive the ticket again in few weeks time.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Mid year dinner

08-08-08 was such a special day, its fathers day for Asian, its Beijing Olympic opening day, and finally its also our company's mid year dinner!
Some of my Chinese colleague decided not to attend mid year dinner because they want to stay home and watch open ceremony. I chose to attend because I thought I might still have the chance to watch the ceremony if the dinner finishes early, plus I might be as lucky as last time to win the prize draw!! But the reality is: we got our entry at 8pm, main at 9:30pm, dessert at 10:30pm... and I was not lucky enough to get any prize this time... and by the time I get home it was almost 12, the open ceremony performance finished long time ago...
Anyway the food was nice (will be better if they can fill a little more food on a such big plate) and I get to catch up with colleagues that I havent see for long time (and some never seen before!).

Best sentence of the night: "Whats so special about Olympic opening ceremony?"... owned!

Thursday, 17 July 2008



有著平易近人的外表 但是卻長著傷人的硬刺
有顆善良的心 但是卻不自覺的傷害靠近的人

很少看到刺蝟團體行動 也許是因為身上的刺不長眼?
很多人覺得刺蝟可愛 但是卻沒有人把它拿來當寵物?


除了可愛那部份 這些特徵是不是跟我有點像呢?
我總是不斷的刺傷我身邊的人 尤其是真正關心我的 愛我的人
我不喜歡這種感覺 但是卻一直重蹈覆轍
我 狠狠的傷了離我最近的人

也許 刺蝟天生就是種獨行的動物
我 是一隻冷血的刺蝟...

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Mazda 3 HID DIY


好了 說到這邊有的人可能會開始產生一些疑問 因為就在不久前寫的 Mazda 3 LED DIY 裡我說短時間內不會改頭燈...但是才短短的一個月這篇文章就出現了!!!
請讓我好好的解釋一番~~ 上禮拜在工作空閒之時閒晃到一個Mazda3的論壇 沒想到這個論壇裡有著豐富的HID相關話題 包括改裝步驟還有各個網友改裝完的美美圖片... 接下來大家應該都猜到我要說什麼了吧... 看了這麼多漂亮的圖片... 要抗拒心中蠢蠢欲動的慾望真的是比登天還難!! 所以再貨比三家之後包裹就在今天出現在我家了

既然都解釋完了那還等什麼 來看看改裝的結果吧 (Note: 我說結果是因為這次的改裝實在太花時間所以就懶得像上次一步步的照相^^ 請原諒我的懶)
掀開引擎蓋 羞~ (羞個屁阿!!)


花了九牛二虎之力終於把一邊的燈裝好!! 九牛二虎還真的一點都不誇張 頭燈有個固定彈簧需要卡住 在這個空間有限的引擎室裡要把彈簧固定一來很難施力二來只能用手指 弄好後我的手指也差不多要廢了... 而且還有另一邊咧!!! 這個步驟花了我一個小時吧...



花了好久的時間終於完工了!! 晚上出去還真的是前途光明阿!!

就這樣我的車在短短一個多月裡幾乎所有的燈都換掉了 其實我享受的是這其中的過程 從research到尋找賣家到實際操作 最後看到成果的那份成就感就一個字 - 爽!!
目前我想改的東西都改完了 這次真的會有很長一陣子不會去改東西了 (真的啦相信我)

HID 頭燈 - US$170
時間 - 大約3~4小時 (彈簧花了我至少兩小時!!)
其他材料(cable tie, electric tape) - 大約 AU$8
爽度 - 無價

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Apple Store

The world famous computer manufacture Apple has opened its first Apple store in Australia on 19th of June 2008 at 5pm!!! It is located at the corner of George street and King street of Sydney city.
There were about 3000 people queuing outside the store on the opening day, the rain obviously couldnt stop their passion about Apple. There were limited Apple t-shirt for the first bunch of customers, and Apple umbrella for people queuing in the rain, how nice is it!! I want an Apple umbrella too!!
But Im not that crazy about Apple (yet) and I had to do OT on the day so I only went to check out this legendary Apple store on Friday.

It is a three-story store with very future looking design

First floor is MacBook section

Second floor is the iPod section

Third floor is the Apple training centre

Even the stair-way are specially designed

I have never seen so many Apple products being collected at the same place before, it is a very magnificent view =P
Apple is planning to open another two Apple stores in Australia in the near future, one in the Sydney suburb of Chatswood, another one in the Chadstone Melbourne, so stay tuned!!

Sunday, 15 June 2008

鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung

On the 16th of May 2008, one of Taiwan's most famous steam dumpling (小籠包) restaurant "Din Tai Fung 鼎泰豐" has opened its very first branch in Australia!!

It is located at level 2 of World Square, not hard to locate because there is a HUGE sign near the stairways at the centre of World Square, which is very obvious.

Even though we visited the restaurant 1 month after opening, there are still full of people queuing for the seat, now you can see how popular this restaurant is. Maybe the queue is not as bad during week nights?

The main kitchen is located next to the entrance, fitted with see-through glasses so people can look at chefs making those delicious dumplings while waiting... this is such a torture!! This is actually a beneficial design for the restaurant because they let the public to monitor the quality.

Sorry I didnt take any photos of the food because we were all starving that as soon as the foods arrive we wipe them all out ^^"

Overall, the foods are nice, pretty much the same quality as in Taiwan. Most of the dishes were freshly made upon order, especially the steam dumpling, because the restaurant is so crowded, you can almost guarantee that they only START making the dumplings that are delivered to your table, hence the dumplings are extra juicy~~

The portion of the dishes at Din Tai Fung are quite small, they are more quality oriented rather than quantity, so relatively the price is higher than average restaurants. At the end of the day we paid nearly $30 each but the amount of food were only barely enough (maybe because I am a pig?).

Finally, one thing I have to comment on is the way they manage customers who made booking beforehand. We actually reserved a table at 7:30PM 1 week prior to the date, but we end up getting a seat at close to 8:30PM!!! The way they treat bookings were like they put you on to the queue list on the time you booked, that is absolutely no difference from just show up on the spot and queue in the line... the excuse they gave us was everyone made booking so they have to arrange the table too... Maybe they don't really care if you don't want to wait since they have plenty of customers, but if they allow booking, they should have done it properly, otherwise I think it would be better for their reputation if they stop allowing customers to make bookings.

Thursday, 12 June 2008


Yesterday I had my first migraine for this year... it happened at around 4:30pm when I was still at work (damn why didnt it happen earlier so I could have went home early...).
I start having migraine regularly about 1~2 times per year since I start working, it just feel like something is twisting my brain when it happens! And after few experiences of this disaster, I found that about 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to migraine happens, my eyes will start loosing focus partially (i.e. some portion of my vision will become extremely blurry no matter how hard I try to focus on the spot), I guess its probably caused by the increasing pressure in the brain affected the vision nerves...
But so what? Even though I can tell its coming, I still cant do anything to stop it...

p.s. I delayed my study schedule because of this damn headache!!! (unknown voice: excuses...)

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Mazda 3 LED DIY

前一陣子在路上看到一台白色Mazda 3把後牌照燈改成白色 瞬間讓整台車的質感提升不少(晚上的時候) 不過當下覺得改造是一件麻煩的事 而且可能一個不小心就會弄壞東西

這一研究下來不得了了 不只學到不少新知識 網路上那些閃亮的LED照片把我想幫愛車換燈泡的慾望完完全全的的勾引出來了!!

所以一個禮拜後... 這些新玩具就出現在我家了... XD

(4顆 T10底座燈泡 給後牌照燈和室內地圖燈用)

(1顆 31mm 雙尖頭燈泡 給室內中央燈泡)

拿到燈泡當然是馬上衝到車庫去囉!! 之前已經完整的預習過換燈泡的步驟 沒有想像中的困難 (所以才敢買燈泡來換啦哈哈) 手早已經養到不行囉!!
開始之前要先提醒一下: LED有正負極之分 所以插上去沒亮先不要緊張 說不定只是差反了

不多說了 先從最簡單的中央燈泡開始吧



(這就是換好之後跟之前的比較... 照片看起來好像比較暗 不過實際上差不多亮)

第一步順利的結束了 接下來換後牌照燈!! 步驟雖然簡單但是要彎腰下去弄... 很累!!!
(從燈罩的旁邊稍微頂一下燈罩就下來了 然後把原本的燈泡拔出來 插上新的T10底座LED)

(完成!! 就是這個光!!就是這個光!!)

最後也是困難度最高的地圖燈!! 說明書上的說法是 "Due to the complexity of the structure, please contact licensed Mazda engineer for light replacement" 看完的感想是BS!根本就是找藉口多削消費者一頓嘛!! 不過如果沒在網路上找到有人示範我還真的不知道要怎麼拆這個鳥東西... 哈哈
(首先要從邊邊小心的把整個地圖燈座拆出來 需要使點力但是不能太用力不然電線會扯斷=.=)

(拆完的樣子 剛拆下來還真有點心痛....)


(換上T10 LED燈泡就可以裝回去囉!!)


為什麼我不把兩邊的地圖燈都換好再裝回去呢? 這樣不就要再拆一次? 沒錯...我也不想只換一半阿...但是好死不死有一顆燈泡是壞的 =.=... 所以在replacement寄到之前我只能這樣一邊黃一邊白的用囉... 不過也因為這樣才有這最後一張照片的誕生哈哈

就這樣 靠著一時的衝動 我的Mazda 3開始閃著漂亮的白燈了!! 下一個目標是 - 頭燈!! 不過頭燈不好改 而且需要比較多$ (這次總共花十幾塊而已)... 所以短時間內應該是不會換吧 =P

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Speeding ticket

Yesterday I received my first speeding fine in my life...

It happened on the Sunday night, 11th of May, 2008 at around 10:30pm.

I was heading home after finishing the bloody assignment at uni. When I turned to Cleveland street from ANZAC parade, there was a taxi driving extremely slow in front of me (around 50km/h or less), I thought the speed limit of the street is 60, and I didnt know theres a speed camera there (its new!!!), so I overtake the taxi. As soon as I went pass the taxi, I noticed something flashed on the other side of the road! My first reaction was to checked my speedometer, its was 60, so I guess it was for someone going in the opposite direction... And I didnt expect the speed cameras will take the photo from the front (usually means they dont take photo on the lanes opposite to the camera), so I didnt worry too much after that.

2 weeks later... when I almost forgot about this... the bomb arrives... =.=

Something I learnt from this experience:
  1. Taxi driver knows the exact locations of speed camera much better than you do, if you see them slow down, you slow down too... unless its obvious that they are after something else
  2. The technology improves faster than you think, now the speed camera can take photos for both direction!!
  3. Do not speed!

Saturday, 24 May 2008

日劇 - 沒有玫瑰的花店

最近在網路論壇上無意間看到一篇推薦日劇的文章 其中沒有玫瑰的花店還蠻多人推的 所以第一時間就去找來欣賞欣賞

薔薇のない花屋 是這部日劇的日文名子 為什麼明明是薔薇但是中文卻翻成玫瑰呢? 原來玫瑰(Rosa rugosa) 薔薇(Rosa mulitiflora)月季(Rosa cvs)在英文裡都是叫 Rose! 這些花在植物分類中都屬於薔薇 但是是不同的種類 (恍然大悟!!!)

由香取慎吾及竹內結子主演的沒有玫瑰的花店是一部非常感人的日劇 主要描寫心地善良的主角對女兒無盡的親情(女兒實在超可愛的啦!!), 還有為了身邊所信任的人不顧一切, 把所有的責任和痛苦都自己一手扛起

看完這部日劇讓我覺得日本出產的東西果然還是比較精緻 整部戲拍的非常唯美 讓人看的得很舒服 也很容易融入劇情 滿分十分的話我會給他九分甚至十分的高分 絕對值得一看 不過以本人的親身經歷提醒一下 邊看這部邊吃晚餐可能會讓你吞不下飯... =P