Wednesday, 16 June 2010

新世紀福音戰士 新劇場版: 破

Evangelion - 新世紀福音戰士, 是史上數一數二賣座的動畫之一 。最初的電視版於1995年上映,之後陸續推出兩部電影以及數不清的周邊商品(史上最撈錢的動畫啊!)。2006年,製作團隊再次宣布將製作福音戰士新劇場版,以全新影像製作技術來詮釋這部經典動畫(再海撈一筆...)!!

第一部新劇場版 於2007年上映, 主要描述電視版1~6的劇情,這一部最大的震撼應該是大幅優化的畫質吧!! 但是今天要推薦的不是第一部(因為我懶...),而是我最近才看完的第二部,破!!


這部電影撇開超級細膩的動畫不說,劇情的緊湊度讓整部電影沒有一秒冷場。雖然故事大體上是跟著原作走,但是新的編劇加上新的人物完全會讓你感覺像在看一部全新的作品,即使去年底才重看過電視版的我也一樣。製作團隊真的是誠意十足啊!! 看完也讓我再次深深體會福音戰士的魅力。


期待下一部新劇場版: Q!!

Vivid Sydney

Vivid Sydney is a special lighting festival only started last year at Sydney.

The main objective of the festival is to illuminate the city with all sorts of different lightings, and of course, opera house is one of the key attractions in this event.

During the festival, lots of buildings around Circular Quey, The Rocks and Macquarie street are projected with various artistic and creative lights. You will also see many street performers wearing special custumes matching the theme.

This festival is definitely a camera-lover's heaven, I enjoyed taking photos at the festival, and it is also a good opportunity to try different techniques.

If you missed out this year, make sure you don't next time!! After all, this is the only time of the year when you can see opera house in different color =)