Sunday, 13 December 2009


從大約一兩個禮拜前開始, 我莫名的開始容易肚子餓, 當然也就吃的比較多。但是我的體重卻比以前輕, 輕到只有68~69公斤左右... 我一度懷疑是我的體重器有問題, 因為前一陣子量還有71~72公斤。不過家裡兩個體重器都量出一樣的結果... 不太可能剛好兩個壞的一樣吧... 所以最近吃東西就選些熱量高的食物, 連平常不怎麼碰的汽水零食都出現了!!

但是一個禮拜下來好像沒什麼進展, 吃撐了量也才69公斤出頭... 肚子還是一樣一直餓... 難道... 我又開始發育了????? 哈哈

希望不要下禮拜回到台灣變成沒食慾啊... 夜市我來了~~~

Wednesday, 9 December 2009


週末我們安排了一整天的戶外活動, 早上划獨木舟, 下午騎馬, 頓時整個人感覺陽光了起來 =)

澳洲太陽跟紐西蘭一樣很毒, 所以開始活動前大家紛紛塗上了防曬油。平常不太理會太陽的我也有預感整天曬下來皮膚一定吃不消, 所以也加入防曬一族。
不過不知道是還沒睡醒還是腦袋已經被曬昏, 我當時只是把外套袖子拉到大約手肘附近就開始抹防曬... 如果我就這樣穿著外套開始划船那一切都好(可能會中暑...??), 但是這種天氣加上要下水當然是外套脫了划嘛... 可想而知, T恤袖子不可能遮到手肘的... 所以... 一天下來變這樣...

  1. 防曬油是真的有在防曬
  2. 澳洲太陽真的猛
  3. 自拍手臂沒有我想像中的簡單...
大家出去玩要記得抹防曬油啊, 太陽曬人不眨眼的!!

Saturday, 5 December 2009

iPod nano 5th generation

I can still remember that my very first iPod was a birthday present from my auntie. It was the first generation iPod nano, which has been extremely popular during the time because of its amazing slimness.

Only thing I found annoying using iPod was that you have to use iTunes to transfer or delete songs, and you were not able to use your iPod as a storage device. I am a very lazy person, I was happy with Windows media player at the time, therefore didnt spend too much time with iTunes. Therefore I have gave up iPod for a while.

Until recently, I have formatted my laptop, seeking a replacement for Windows media player, and iTunes had became my first choice because of its clean user interface. When I get my hands on iTunes and finished tidying up all the MP3 tags, I realised something is still missing...

You are right, iPod!!!
After reading many reviews about the new 5th generation iPod nano and due to upcoming Xmas, this item just become my new toy... (so many excuses...) haha

I am very easily attracted by sleek designs, and iPod is certainly one of them! I wont describe too much details about iPod nano since you can find heaps of nice reviews online. After playing with it for a while, I am quite amazed that Apple can make iPod nano so powerful yet keep the slimness of the body. And now since I am more familiar with iTunes, I can see how iPod and iTunes make a perfect combination!