Sunday, 25 October 2009


槍, 應該是大部分男人從小的夢想, 每當看著電影裡主角用神一般的槍法將壞人擊退, 多少都會幻想如果自己是主角的話會有多帥氣!
上禮拜, 一位友人拿到一張射擊學園開放日的傳單, 一夥人當下二話不說就決定了這次的行程=P

在澳洲, 槍不是隨隨便便就能取得, 需要經過一連串的程序加上考取執照才有可能合法的持有一把槍。因此開放日只需駕照就能體驗真槍實彈確實吸引了不少人潮. 開始前當然要簽下切結書還有接受安全宣導, 然後就是來真的囉!!

場地有不少槍枝可以選擇, 從最小的.22口徑到獵槍都有。每個彈匣依子彈種類大約在$10~$15澳幣左右。大部分子彈分成以下兩種:

Factory - 第一批出廠的全新子彈, 擁有較強的火力跟準確度
Reloaded - 用回收彈殼重新填裝火藥跟彈頭, 火力較factory稍弱

我選擇體驗10發 9厘米(F), 10發 .38口徑(R) 和 6發.357左輪(F)

射擊場隔音真的作的很好, 從外面基本上聽不到聲音, 因此當我第一步踏進射擊場的時候老實說真的有嚇到, 就算我帶著工地耳罩也檔不住那槍聲的震撼力。所以在打第一個靶的時候有點手軟, 瞄不太準...
(第一靶 9mm F 手軟子彈亂飄)

(第二靶 .38 R 有進步喔!!)

最後左輪手槍真的讓我印象深刻, 那手槍的重量, 強勁的後作力加上射擊時噴出的火花讓人整個熱血沸騰!! 射擊完後一次退出所有彈殼也是有種莫名的興奮。現在終於了解左輪手槍的魅力所在了!!
(第三靶 .357 F Revolver 一個字 "爽")

體驗過真槍以後就覺得以前玩的空氣槍就像小孩子射橡皮筋一樣, 一點勁兒都沒有... 電玩就更不用說了

Website: Shooting Academy
Address: 16-18 Byrne street, Auburn, NSW

Saturday, 17 October 2009

小品分享 - Struck

沒有文字敘述的故事 配上簡單優美的音樂 卻能令人從心底湧出一股感動

希望大家都能找到拔出自己心口那隻箭的人 =)

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Unlucky day update

Last month I was fined for traveling with invalid train ticket and I mailed OSR to ask for leniency (see here for details).

Few weeks ago, I received a letter from OSR saying they have considered my case this time and decided to let me go!! WooHoo!! And of course they have reminded me that everyone should try their best to make sure they have valid ticket at all time.

Haha I will make sure this won't happen again!!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009


Its been a while since I last updated the good food collection... Its not like I haven't been to any good restaurant recently, but simply because I'm lazy to type up a post =P

So, today I would like to introduce a very nice Japanese fusion restaurant (again!!) - Toko.

Toko is located on Crown street at Surry Hills, the suburb where many gorgeous restaurants chose to open at. Unlike most of the fusion restaurant I've been to, Toko has plenty of seats available with a romantic interior design, making Toko a perfect venue for as large as birthday party or as small as couple dating.

Food is certainly the most important element to judge whether a restaurant is good, people visit restaurant to eat after all! Like other fusion restaurants, the portion of each dish served at Toko is not large but are nicly presented. Although the dishes are small, but the taste of the fresh and quality foods can definitely satisfy your picky taste bud!

A few must try dishes I would recommend are duck breast, salmon skin roll and most importantly the prok belly, which uses the most tender pork I have ever tried, it pretty much melt in your mouth as soon as you took the bite...

Finally, booking is strongly recommended as the restaurant become very full by 7pm even though it has many seats. =)

Address: 490 Crown Street, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 9357 6100