Tuesday, 29 September 2009

日劇 - Buzzer beat 零秒出手

這應該是我開始看日劇以來追最快的一部吧,9月21日在日本完結,9月22日我就看完 哈哈 (謎之聲: 那怎麼現在才寫blog?!...)。會追這麼快當然也是因為有吸引人的題材跟動人心弦的故事囉!

Buzzer Beat,有打籃球的人可能對這個詞不陌生,顧名思義就是在比賽哨聲響起時投出了關鍵的一球,不一定是終場, 不過終場的哨聲通常比較讓人受矚目,也因此有零秒出手這個詞的出現。喜歡打籃球的我當然也被這個題材吸引,不過之前因為台灣也有類似的偶像劇,印象不是很好,所以剛開始對這部日劇也抱有懷疑... 不過看了10分鐘我所有的疑惑就全消失了哈哈! 完全不同等級的阿... 光是片頭MV就讓人熱血沸騰 很有灌籃高手的Fu。


故事敘述著職業籃球選手上矢直輝(山下智久 飾),有著不輸別人的籃球資質,但卻因為缺乏自信而始終無法在場上發揮。個性溫柔體貼的直輝有著交往兩年的啦啦隊隊長女友七海菜月(相武紗季 飾),卻因厭倦和直輝的平淡生活而選擇背叛。而在差不多的時間點 直輝因緣結識了天真浪漫的小提琴畢業生白河莉子(北川景子 飾),進而展開一段溫馨的愛情故事。

這部日劇吸引我的原因不外乎是有著優秀的演員,尤其是北川景子那自然派的演技更是讓我印象深刻(我第一次看她的戲)。不過最重要的應該是故事劇情讓我很有共鳴吧 雖然我沒有主角那麼慘(被劈腿),也沒有那麼美的故事發生,但是就某種程度來說在劇中確實看到不少自己的影子。

最後我一定要說一句... 台灣... 加油,好嗎?

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Dust storm

When I opened my eyes this morning, I saw my room filled with beautiful orange red light, I thought I was either still dreaming or something happened to my eyes... Then I remembered that the dust storm arrived Sydney today!!!

The dust storm came from inland of NSW as the state has been experiencing severe winds and unseasonably warm temperatures since yesterday. Read more about the storm here.

Lets look at some photos of this amazing scene:

Picture: Clare Tokareff, referenced from news.com.au
Photo taken at Circular Quey at 7:30am, noticed something missing in this picture?

Picture: Shaun Brewer, referenced from news.com.au
Taken from Kirribilli, the bridge is hardly visible, and opera house just toally disappeared from the view...

See more photos at news.com.au

The dust storm happen in Sydney very rarely, and this is one of the worst dust storm I ever seen in my life... feel like I am living on Mars!

And by the way... I just cleaned my HUGE belcony about 2 weeks ago...

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Unlucky day...

I haven't buy weekly train ticket for months...
I haven't forgot to renew my train ticket for months...
Also I haven't seen bunches of railway polices blocking station exits for months...

Unfortunately, I bought weekly train ticket last week, I forgot to renew my train ticket today, AND I saw bunches of railway polices at station today...

So, as you can imagine... I had a chat with one of the police... and that costs $200... what a start of the day!

Of course I wasnt happy about the fine, so I wrote to Office of State Debt Recovery hoping I can get a leniency for having clean record so far.

Reasons I gave them are:
I am a regular monthly travel pass buyer, so I normally just renew ticket once a month at most, I did not forget to renew the ticket intentionally.
There were no ticket gates at Rhodes station, people can easily get on the train without realising the ticket is invalid until reaching the destination.

Although they sound more like excuses, but I really think if CityRail is serious about preventing people travelling without valid ticket, they should build ticket gate at EVERY station at least within the Sydney metro.

But anyway, rather than putting hope on government, its probably more realistic if you can just double check you have a valid ticket before going on a public transport...

The email had been forwarded to related department, so hopefully I can hear back from them soon... with good news of course haha