Sunday, 14 June 2009


It seems like Japanese food suits our taste bud better, as you may have guessed, this is another post for Japanese restaurant.

Wasavie is a Japanese fusion cuisine located at Paddington, it is not an easy place to find as it is in the middle of residential area, you might not be able to find this restaurant unless you live nearby or being refered by others.

The interior of the restaurant is very neat, only around 20 seats available, but unfortuenately no booking allowed, thats why sometimes you can see queue outside the restaurant before its opened.

As mentioned earlier, Wasavie serves Japanese fusion dishes, therefore all the dishes are very nicely presented. In conjunction with unresistable smell (for hot dishes) plus freshness taste make the foods score 100%!! My favorites out of the ones we had are beef tataki and wagyu beef on hot stone!

Chocolate cake with ice cream seems very popular at Wasavie, we were not lucky enough to try it because it was sold out the night before...!!! So we ordered the organic apple pie, which was very tasty too! Now we have an additional reason to revisit this restaurant =)

Phone: 02 9380 8838

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Tank - 如果我變成回憶

收錄於Tank 2009最新專輯 - 第三回合
抒情的旋律 催淚的歌詞 再由剛動完心臟手術的Tank詮釋特別的有感覺 大家絕對不能錯過的好歌


詞:TANK 曲:TANK、Dean(承濬)演唱:TANK

累了 照慣例努力清醒著
心跳在夢中 不聽話的 就停止了

聽著 呼吸像浪潮拍動著
如果我連自己的脈搏 都難掌握

如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
我會恨自己 如此狠心

如果我變成回憶 終於沒那麼幸運
蹣跚牽著你 看晚霞落盡
若有人可以 讓他陪你 我不怪你

快樂 什麼時候會結束呢
可知你是我生命中的 最捨不得

如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
我會恨自己 如此狠心

如果我變成回憶 終於沒那麼幸運
蹣跚牽著你 看晚霞落盡
若有人可以 讓他陪你

如果我變成回憶 最怕我太不爭氣
頑固的賴在空氣 霸佔你心裡 每一寸縫隙
連累依然愛我的你痛苦 承受失去
這樣不公平 請你盡力 把我忘記

p.s. 我覺得MTV應該可以拍的更好說... 有點沒辦法跟歌詞連貫的感覺...

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

OZ Lotto

昨天6月9號OZ Lotto獎金累積到三千萬澳幣 (30 Million!) 從來沒中過樂透的我也抱著僥倖的心情來參一腳

但萬萬沒想到竟然給我中了------------- $13.5澳幣!!! 哈哈
雖然我花了大約20塊才贏回13.5塊 但是生平第一次中樂透感覺就是不一樣

Main Numbers: 19 44 34 28 30 40 3
Supplementary: 27 16

我中獎的彩卷: 3 16 19 21 34 35 39

這次頭獎還是沒有人抱走 所以下禮拜累積到四千萬囉~~ 再碰一次運氣吧 祝我好運!!

Monday, 8 June 2009

Excel tip - INDIRECT + ADDRESS function

Recently I came across with two very useful Excel function - INDIRECT and ADDRESS, which I think is worth keeping a note here.

For those who uses Excel as their working tool or for any other use, sometimes they might need to have a dynamic formula that access different cell value depending on the user input. For example, a formula that can grab value from a predefined table given the coordinate (column and row), then in this case function that can dynamically generates cell address would be very useful.

Here are some brief outline of the functions (parameters in square brackets are optional):

Address - Function that returns text representation of a cell address

Address( row, column, [ref_type], [ref_style], [sheet_name] )

Indirect - Function that returns cell value based on the given text address representation.

Indirect( string_reference, [ref_style] )

So, you can combine these 2 functions to achieve the above scenario.

Indirect( Address( cell1, cell2 ) )

Where cell1 and cell2 are user input cells.