Its definitely gonna change the way human operates the computer (if it ever get commercialised...), but please, make it looks nice first... XD
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
WuW - Wear Ur World
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This is just simply cool... Especially the last part where you can dial number ON your hand!!
Its definitely gonna change the way human operates the computer (if it ever get commercialised...), but please, make it looks nice first... XD
Minority report is not just a movie anymore!
Its definitely gonna change the way human operates the computer (if it ever get commercialised...), but please, make it looks nice first... XD
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話說今早準備出門時 依照慣例檢查上班必帶物品:
午餐 - pass (中午肚子餓時吃)
隨身聽 - pass (火車上抵擋噪音用)
DS - pass (火車上防無聊用)
雨傘 - pass (昨天下大雨沒帶...)
鑰匙 - pass (沒帶就回不了家...)
車票... 車票........ 車票.............. (驚!!) 車票咧!!!???
翻遍平常有可能放車票的地方 (也只有皮夾跟手提袋而已啦...) 就是找不到! 明明昨天才買的weekly 昨天也有用過 難道是幻覺? 就在這時我忽然有種不好的預感 當下我立刻飛奔到陽台 看著我昨天才換下洗好晾好的襯衫 再將畫面zomm in到襯衫口袋那一坨坨的車票屍體... 囧...
沒辦法我只好趕快出門希望能趕在火車到之前買好票... 還好今天火車誤點 不然就真的嘔死...
我上一次把車票放進洗衣機應該是大一的事了 不過沒有這次慘 把只用了一天的weekly洗掉... 預計下一次發生是.... 不要再發生了啦!!
午餐 - pass (中午肚子餓時吃)
隨身聽 - pass (火車上抵擋噪音用)
DS - pass (火車上防無聊用)
雨傘 - pass (昨天下大雨沒帶...)
鑰匙 - pass (沒帶就回不了家...)
車票... 車票........ 車票.............. (驚!!) 車票咧!!!???
翻遍平常有可能放車票的地方 (也只有皮夾跟手提袋而已啦...) 就是找不到! 明明昨天才買的weekly 昨天也有用過 難道是幻覺? 就在這時我忽然有種不好的預感 當下我立刻飛奔到陽台 看著我昨天才換下洗好晾好的襯衫 再將畫面zomm in到襯衫口袋那一坨坨的車票屍體... 囧...
沒辦法我只好趕快出門希望能趕在火車到之前買好票... 還好今天火車誤點 不然就真的嘔死...
我上一次把車票放進洗衣機應該是大一的事了 不過沒有這次慘 把只用了一天的weekly洗掉... 預計下一次發生是.... 不要再發生了啦!!
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Weather Crisis
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Last weekend, 7th and 8th of Feb, the temperature at Victoria (Melbourne) reached as high as 46℃, which was a record high in the past 150 years (I guess that was the time human started recording the temperature?)... Sydney was about 40℃ and I can already feel my body burning when I was walking under the sun, I can't imagine how it was like in 46℃...
The heat wave caused a lot of bush fire, far more serious than ever, having more than 170 death (and still counting...). I guess this is the first serious nature disaster of 2009... even though the Australian fire fighters are very experienced with the bush fire, but this time the damage was beyond their expectation...
After the heat over the weekend, the temperature dropped down to 20℃ on Monday!!! That is pretty much like going from mid summer to winter in just one night!!
It is a tough year for human not just economically, but also environmentally. We really need to be more active on protecting our environment, or else more innocent people will be affected...
Lets pray for the victims form the bush fires...
The heat wave caused a lot of bush fire, far more serious than ever, having more than 170 death (and still counting...). I guess this is the first serious nature disaster of 2009... even though the Australian fire fighters are very experienced with the bush fire, but this time the damage was beyond their expectation...
After the heat over the weekend, the temperature dropped down to 20℃ on Monday!!! That is pretty much like going from mid summer to winter in just one night!!
It is a tough year for human not just economically, but also environmentally. We really need to be more active on protecting our environment, or else more innocent people will be affected...
Lets pray for the victims form the bush fires...
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