Sunday, 28 December 2008

Desk top DIY

My desk top always looks messy, no matter how hard I try to keep it tidy. Reason behind this is because most of the item on my desk are pretty bulky... laptop, LCD and speaker already took up over 50% of the space.
The major problem I found on my desk top is that the space behind my laptop is pretty much wasted. You might ask why don't I put my LCD behind the laptop, its because the laptop will block half of the screen, so I have no choice but put it side by side.
To overcome this issue, I have to lift up my LCD somehow, and this gave me a further idea, why don't I just make my desktop double decker? =P
So, I went to Ikea, I went to furniture stores, but I could'nt find any suitable item... Another Idea came up... yes you guessed it, DIY!! Bunnings Warehouse is my next stop!!
Da da! This is the final solution to my desk top renovation!! Sorry I didnt take any photos for the processes, but basically I just had some measurements done, and pick a suitable wood from the warehouse, get the staff to cut it into the size I wanted, then finally assemble them together at home.
Much neater now is'nt it? WAHAHA!!
Its my first time doing a full end to end furniture DIY, so some of the finishing are not quite good (probably not obvious from the photo lol), but sure it was fun and its unique =)

Overall cost: apprx AUD$23
Time: apprx 2 hours (would be faster if I have electric driller... =.=)

Friday, 26 December 2008



暮水街的三月十一號,是藤井樹最新的作品,裡面描述著『網路寫手』阿尼為了尋找寫作靈感從高雄搬到台北幕水街的一段故事(感覺很像是在寫他自己的故事說...)。 故事中有幽默有感動,有不少地方讓我不由自主的想笑,也有一些讓我看完會稍微思考一下其中含意的片段。

因為他們都覺得 當初的選擇是對的。

看完這本小說後會有種酸酸甜甜的感覺 不像一些悲傷的小說看完會讓你心情沈重 我覺得暮水街的三月十一號是一本非常適合週末在家悠閒悠閒慢慢品嚐的一本小說,希望你也會喜歡。

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Fuel price

最近油價掉的兇 我回台灣前還是每公升AU$1.2左右 但是回來竟然已經掉到每公升不到一塊錢
因此前幾天加油是我有車以來第一次看到公升數跳的比價錢快!!當下心理有種說不出的感動 哈哈 這樣就對了嘛!
在這個經濟極度不景氣的時候 原油降價算是唯一讓人稍微安慰一點的事情吧...

Sunday, 14 December 2008


昨天Wollongong一日遊的行程中原本沒有排進南天寺這一站 但是因為有幾個朋友沒去過所以臨時改變了行程 那既然來到了南天寺大家在離開前就許願抽個籤 我抽到的是:

心中有事世間小 A mind full of worries lives in a narrow world
心中無事一床寬 A mind free of worries sleeps on a broader bed
心中有是應放下 A worryful mind should let things go
心中無事應提起 A free mind should lift things up

這段話完完全全符合我現在需要的 雖然說要做到這樣並不容易 但是我還是應該要努力去達成!!