Sunday, 9 November 2008

Oakley Sunglasses

10 days ago I decided to sell my Oakley sunglasses on eBay.

It was the first sunglasses I bought for myself during first year of uni (long long time ago!!). But due to my bad eye sight in combination of laziness, the frequency of me wearing this sunglasses is getting less and less... This year, I only wore it when I went ski, which was only 3 days...
So, instead of having it sitting in my room covered with dusts, might as well just sell it!
This is my second time selling item on eBay (last time was selling tickets to 血狼湖 performance few years ago), I have to say eBay is such an amazing place to sell your item. My initial target is to sell it for around $50~$60, so I listed the item for 10 days, with initial price $39.99. I was a bit worried that no one will want to buy my sunglasses since it is a very old model, but then check out the bid history:
Result was totally out of my expectation, but of course in the good way =P
Something I noticed:
  • branded item doesnt depreciate as much
  • branded item is easier to sell / attract buyers
  • you will never know if anyone is interested in your item until you start selling it
  • selling online is handy and fun
Lastly... a memorial photo of the sunglasses =)

Saturday, 8 November 2008


最近搬家加上考試忙的我焦頭爛額 禮拜五終於考完試 房子也忙的差不多了 總算有時間來update一下囉 =)

這學期考完試也就代表著我的碩士生涯即將告一段落 (當然要等成績出來啦哈哈) 不知道是因為最近比較多事情要處理還是因為只是剛考完試 我竟然沒有什麼讀完碩士的真實感 
過去三年那種為了assignment和exam煩惱的壓力感就要成為回憶了 感覺又高興又擔心 高興很容易理解 但是為什麼會擔心呢? 因為我從一開始工作的時候就開始念這個碩士了 所以一直以來都是上班加念書 如今碩士結束了 就好像把原本平衡的天坪拿掉一些法碼一樣... 會變成怎樣我也不知道 不過我現在只想讓自己小放一假 之後再好好考慮要拿什麼東西補回天坪上吧 =)