Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Speeding ticket

Yesterday I received my first speeding fine in my life...

It happened on the Sunday night, 11th of May, 2008 at around 10:30pm.

I was heading home after finishing the bloody assignment at uni. When I turned to Cleveland street from ANZAC parade, there was a taxi driving extremely slow in front of me (around 50km/h or less), I thought the speed limit of the street is 60, and I didnt know theres a speed camera there (its new!!!), so I overtake the taxi. As soon as I went pass the taxi, I noticed something flashed on the other side of the road! My first reaction was to checked my speedometer, its was 60, so I guess it was for someone going in the opposite direction... And I didnt expect the speed cameras will take the photo from the front (usually means they dont take photo on the lanes opposite to the camera), so I didnt worry too much after that.

2 weeks later... when I almost forgot about this... the bomb arrives... =.=

Something I learnt from this experience:
  1. Taxi driver knows the exact locations of speed camera much better than you do, if you see them slow down, you slow down too... unless its obvious that they are after something else
  2. The technology improves faster than you think, now the speed camera can take photos for both direction!!
  3. Do not speed!

Saturday, 24 May 2008

日劇 - 沒有玫瑰的花店

最近在網路論壇上無意間看到一篇推薦日劇的文章 其中沒有玫瑰的花店還蠻多人推的 所以第一時間就去找來欣賞欣賞

薔薇のない花屋 是這部日劇的日文名子 為什麼明明是薔薇但是中文卻翻成玫瑰呢? 原來玫瑰(Rosa rugosa) 薔薇(Rosa mulitiflora)月季(Rosa cvs)在英文裡都是叫 Rose! 這些花在植物分類中都屬於薔薇 但是是不同的種類 (恍然大悟!!!)

由香取慎吾及竹內結子主演的沒有玫瑰的花店是一部非常感人的日劇 主要描寫心地善良的主角對女兒無盡的親情(女兒實在超可愛的啦!!), 還有為了身邊所信任的人不顧一切, 把所有的責任和痛苦都自己一手扛起

看完這部日劇讓我覺得日本出產的東西果然還是比較精緻 整部戲拍的非常唯美 讓人看的得很舒服 也很容易融入劇情 滿分十分的話我會給他九分甚至十分的高分 絕對值得一看 不過以本人的親身經歷提醒一下 邊看這部邊吃晚餐可能會讓你吞不下飯... =P

Wednesday, 14 May 2008


11th of May was our assignment due date. It was a pretty difficult assignment, not because of the complexity but because we need to learn to master a number of new things within just 3 weeks in order to achieve it. Luckily my group members are the super smart kind of people, we managed to get it completed at 10pm 11th of May... 2 hours before deadline.
However some groups are not as lucky as us, and they were too frustrated, so they posted the following message on the course message board:

If they spend enough time on reading and researching on the tools and concept required for this assignment, they would'nt end up in the situation like this...

We were thinking to reply the post with our submission message, but that was too evil =P

P.S. The result of above message is 1 day extension... but really, what can you do in one day when you are still blur with the assignment on the last day, knowing that you already spent 3 weeks doing it...

Saturday, 10 May 2008


Motorola T191
2001年底入手 當時高中畢業 來雪梨就讀大學前在台灣買的
人生中第一隻自己專屬的手機 當時算非常輕薄短小的手機 但是按鈕對我的手指來說真的有點太小... 孫燕姿代言的喔!!
當時的手機螢幕解析度只有 98 x 64, 沒有和絃鈴聲 沒有Java 單純的電話撥接和簡單的附加功能

Nokia 3330
大約2003入手 外型跟Nokia 3310一模一樣 當時可是非常熱門的手機 幾乎人手一台
重點是非常摔 可能是因為外殼可以拆卸的關係吧
Nokia手機有名在他那非常人性化的介面 非常容易上手 另一個有名的就是他的內建遊戲 Snake!!! 當時可是玩的瘋狂阿 整個螢幕滿滿的snake =P

Sony Ericsson K700i
2004 年底入手 當時記得是因為老爸幫同事買 但是因為種種原因那個同事不要了... 因為我當時本來也就要換手機 所以就以二手價把他買下來了!
我的第一隻彩色手機 而且還有內建相機喔!! 螢幕升級了不少 176 x 220 65k色 當時看了非常爽
這隻手機也是當時熱門的機子 獨特的雙面設計和質感吸引了不少人
最大的缺點是中間的搖桿用了大概半年至一年就開始不太聽話了... 會讓人有摔手機的衝動... (可是我沒摔啦^^") 還有螢幕會進灰塵... 後來還費了九牛二虎之力把手機拆了清灰塵...

Samsung D848
2007年初入手 入手原因... 老爸用不慣samsung的介面所以讓給了我... ^^"
這隻手機是Samsung 第一代Ultra系列其中一隻 Ultra系列強調的是薄與時尚 不到12mm的厚度就算在現在的市場也是數一數二的薄 尤其他還是一隻滑蓋手機
這也是我第一隻擁有QVGA解析度的手機 他的螢幕真的是非常漂亮與鮮豔
最大的缺點... 壽命太短... 可能是薄型化技術還不夠成熟 用了一年多一點點就壞了... 請參考這篇

Nokia 6500 Slide
2008年五月入手 過了大約五年重回Nokia的懷抱
被這隻手機那高質感的設計深深的吸引到 現在的我不會追求高規格的手機 反而外觀設計會是我考慮的重點 因為到最後最常用的還是撥打電話而已 看的順眼最重要 =)
把玩了一陣子後覺得Symbian S40(這隻手機的OS)真的非常靈活好用 難怪最近S60這麼受歡迎(S40是S60的簡單版)

最後來客串一隻nokia 3310, 就是這隻陪我度過6500還沒到達的日子... 也讓我溫習了不少回憶 =)