這禮拜因為project deadline快要到的關係 經理要求整個team早上7:30就開始工作... 沒錯 7:30AM, 也就是說我大概6點就要起床了... 可能因為第一天不習慣 也可能因為是禮拜天 晚上很晚才睡著 可想而知隔天上班就是要死不活的樣子... 而且晚上還要去上課 =.=|||
好不容易撐到下班 搭上往學校的bus而且很幸運的有個位子坐 終於可以讓眼睛稍微咪一下補補神了!
就這樣大概過了兩站 陸陸續續的有乘客上車 我繼續閉著眼睛沒有去理會後來上車的乘客 就在這時我感覺到坐我旁邊的乘客動了一下 我睜開眼以為他要下車(我做靠走道的座位) 沒想到他伸手去拍拍站我身旁的一位乘客 然後問道: "ㄟ你問問看那位老伯要不要坐"
我抬頭往他手指的方向一看 還真的有位老頭 不過也沒老到很誇張 大概60左右吧
我傻了 他叫那位老頭來坐 可是他坐窗戶邊 我不起身他根本出不去 現在是什麼狀況? 強迫我讓位?
不是我不想讓位 如果我比他先看到那位老人我應該還是會起來讓位 但是被他這麼一叫我實在是不想起來 為什麼他可以若無其事的幫別人決定該怎麼做? 看著老人走過來 (沒錯 他不是站我們附近...) 我只好站起來讓他坐 什麼也不能說... 什麼也沒辦法說 唉... 也不能說他錯 讓座是對的 只是他的做法實在讓我不太舒服...
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Thursday, 17 April 2008
My mobile...
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At the beginning of the year, I planned to get a new mobile phone at the end of the year or early next year, my target was to get a decent mobile this time, like the one with GPS inbuilt, WiFi connection etc etc, top of the range one! But things dont usually go as you planned...
Last Wed night, all of a sudden the hang up/power button of my mobile phone stopped functioning... what does that mean? it means i cant turn off my mobile, more over, i cant let my mobile run out of battery!!!! Or anything that might make the power go off!!! Ok fine, thats not too hard, i just need to make sure the battery is full everyday and take extra care of it... It should be able to last for a while I thought... Obviously Im wrong!
Next morning, the screen of my mobile looks strange, the back light seems not working properly, only part of the screen lights up... Then I made a serious mistake, I slide the screen up and down several times trying to make it work properly... then suddenly the screen disappeared... totally!
First thing came up in my mind was: my contacts... I didnt back any of them up in sim card nor computer... For the whole day I couldnt fully concentrate on work, was worrying how to save the contacts and started research on which phone is good to get =P
At night, I installed mobile software to my computer for the first time, and luckily the main body of mobile is still working, so I successfully extracted all the contacts, thank god... Then I just borrowed old nokia 3310 from Louis, and let my mobile rest in peace... I missed the game in 3310 so much haha.
Since my plan of getting new mobile is shifted early by too much, I had to cut down my budget for new mobile... (by a lot!) And guess I will stick with 3310 for a while before I get a new mobile haha.
Last Wed night, all of a sudden the hang up/power button of my mobile phone stopped functioning... what does that mean? it means i cant turn off my mobile, more over, i cant let my mobile run out of battery!!!! Or anything that might make the power go off!!! Ok fine, thats not too hard, i just need to make sure the battery is full everyday and take extra care of it... It should be able to last for a while I thought... Obviously Im wrong!
Next morning, the screen of my mobile looks strange, the back light seems not working properly, only part of the screen lights up... Then I made a serious mistake, I slide the screen up and down several times trying to make it work properly... then suddenly the screen disappeared... totally!
First thing came up in my mind was: my contacts... I didnt back any of them up in sim card nor computer... For the whole day I couldnt fully concentrate on work, was worrying how to save the contacts and started research on which phone is good to get =P
At night, I installed mobile software to my computer for the first time, and luckily the main body of mobile is still working, so I successfully extracted all the contacts, thank god... Then I just borrowed old nokia 3310 from Louis, and let my mobile rest in peace... I missed the game in 3310 so much haha.
Since my plan of getting new mobile is shifted early by too much, I had to cut down my budget for new mobile... (by a lot!) And guess I will stick with 3310 for a while before I get a new mobile haha.
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