Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Alien on Mars!?

Few weeks ago NASA published a photo taken on Mars - Mars Photo (72mb, be patient)
What is so special about this photo? If you look carefully into it, you will find a "human" shaped shadow sitting on the rock (well i think its sitting...). Its pretty high chance that this is just a coincident, but this photo sure makes more people curious about the unknown world beyond our Earth, don't you think?

(Can you find it in the original photo?)

p.s. Anyone thinks their monitor is too small after viewing the original sized photo? =P I do...

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

監獄兔 Usavich

最近在網路上發現一個爆笑的短篇動畫 - Usavich (監獄兔)
目前連載了兩個season 共26集 動畫中雖然沒有任何對話但是非常好笑
3D背景融合手繪風格加上有趣的配樂和幽默的內容 再差的心情看完都會變好
Official website不是每一集都能看不過畫質比較好 剩下的當然就交給Youtube囉!

希望season 3快點推出 =)

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Blogger 簡單介紹

想當年(我是多老了阿...怎麼開始"想當年"了咧...) 在我高中的時候用MS front page花了不少的時間做了一個自己的網頁(那時候流行叫烘培雞,homepage), 然後又花了更多的時間研究要怎麼上傳到Yahoo!的空間, 記得當時需要用ftp上傳, 結果因為太麻煩又太慢了 整個網頁只放了一兩張相片加一首喜歡的mp3就再也沒去碰了(空間也差不多就滿了)
隨著Web 2.0時代的來臨, 網路從單調的展示平台演化成了多采多姿的大眾交流平台, 也因此像wiki, blog...等網路服務一下子竄紅了起來 所以今天就來簡單介紹一下怎麼加入Blog一族!

Blogger是我現在使用的部落格空間 因為被Google併購所以如果你有gmail的帳號就可以在Blogger登入喔!

Blogger的網站非常簡單易懂, 右上角可以選擇各種語言除了火星文... (好冷阿!!!) 再來加入blogger只需要三個簡單的步驟:
  • 申請帳號(如果沒有gmail帳號的話)
  • 幫你的Blog取名子
  • 選一個喜歡的外觀

設定好帳號後就可以直接登入開始post文章了 我覺得Blogger的介面非常直覺式 沒有複雜的介面但是卻有足夠的功能

在Template範本設定的地方可以加入喜歡的插件(page element)而且可以用拖曳的方式來改變順序或位置 甚至可以更改或自己設計Template成喜歡的樣子 Google也會不時加入新的插件, 讓你的部落格更有自己的風格

在設定(Setting) -> Email 裡有個蠻不錯的選項: Mail to blogger address
設定了這個email的話就可以隨時用email傳文章或圖片到blog了! 假如你的手機可以傳email的話那就真的隨時隨地都可以更新blog
不過建議預設成save emails as draft post不然這個email不小心被人發現了的話可就麻煩了...

市面上當然還有很多部落格的網站 但Blogger對於大部分的使用者來說功能已經非常足夠了 學習門檻也不高 對那些想擁有一個漂亮的部落格但又不想花太多時間上手的人 這是一個很好的開始點 而且不用多申請一個帳號! (所以Google去多買點網路公司吧 嘿嘿嘿)

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Chinese New Year Festival

Me and Rayn went to the Chinese new year festival on Saturday after we finished helping Kebin move to his new place. There were some performances on the stage, and I really have some comments about it...

Firstly the magic show, I never know the background music is so important... I cant believe they used traditional Chinese music for magic show!! OMG as soon as the music starts, all the mystical feeling of magic are gone, totally gone...
After a while, the magician asked a kid to go up to the stage, and start asking him question:

M: what is ur name?
Kid: xxx
M: xxx how old are you?
Kid: 7 (i forgot how old, but very little kid)
M: Ok xxx, are you married? (me & rayn: WTF!?)
Kid: no...
M: I see, xxx, tell me, do you smoke? (me: what is wrong with him... =_=|||)
Kid: no...

Then he start doing some trick with the cigarette...
There were bunches of kids and their parents sitting in front of the stage, I guess the parents are kind of speechless at the time... some how I feel ashamed...
The next performance was 氣功, somehow it involves smoking as well... =_=
So we decided to leave because we both feel they are hopeless... LOL

I dont know how those parents thought about the performance, maybe they found it entertaining, but for me I think they could find a better way.

Anyway Happy Chinese New Year

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


說真的有一部分的原因是因為一時興起 最近不知道怎麼的手癢 什麼東西都想要碰一碰 最後想說來試試看近年來很火的blog吧! (其實火很久了...是我慢了一大拍... 嘿嘿)
對我這種記憶力超差 常常記不起東西的人 blog應該是個不錯的幫手
可以把平常一些有趣的事紀錄下來 或是有時候學會用一些新東西就把找到的資料整理整理 以後就不用再去花時間找(就是懶...Orz) 又同時可以分享給大家 真是一舉兩得阿!
我會努力不讓這篇成為這個blog的最後一篇的!! 加油!!